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Information for Schools, Businesses and Healthcare

School Building photo It is against Michigan law for schools to have or use liquid mercury or mercury-bearing items in their facilities. 

It is also against healthcare facilitiesMichigan law for  to have or use mercury-bearing blood pressure devices or to buy these devices or other mercury-bearing medical equipment (such as thermometers, esophageal dilators, GI tubes).

It is best to get rid of mercury in your school, clinic, or office before it spills.  Arrange this with your building management or, or Michigan Energy Options to learn where to get rid of mercury safely.  Before transporting any item with mercury in it, package it safely to prevent a spill.

Despite our best intentions, mercury spills sometimes happen at places where the public can be exposed to mercury vapor.  If a mercury spill occurs:

Skilled trade workers may find mercury while on the job.  The following fact sheets provide more information:

For mercury spills inside your home, see Information for the Public.

Need to know more? Check out the mercury videos and more. Or call your local health department or the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-648-6942.