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Building Your Energy Efficiency Career

Local Weatherization operators across Michigan are looking for inspectors to perform Energy Audits and Quality Control Inspections to meet the demands of the Weatherization Assistance Program. Many agencies work with mechanical and insulation contractors to complete the upgrades on homes in their service area. Local Weatherization operators either hire or contract with independent Energy Auditors who perform the initial inspection and Quality Control Inspectors who perform the final review of installed measures on each home.

Contractors and independent contracted Energy Auditors and Quality Control Inspectors working in the program receive all the training that is required by the Department of Energy for free. Working for a local Weatherization operator ensures

  • access to free training,
  • year-round income,
  • benefits to the local community, and
  • jump-starts a career in energy-efficiency

A MiTEC instructor presenting to high school students

A MiTEC instructor presenting to high school students

The Weatherization Assistance Program provides energy conservation and related health & safety services for eligible low-income households at no cost to the resident. Energy conservation and energy usage reduction is the foundation of the Weatherization Assistance Program and is an increasingly vital component of many trades. Becoming part of the solution to environmental concerns is a highly desirable career path and can lead to many promising careers in energy-efficiency.

To find out how to become an Energy Auditor/Quality Control Inspector and receive free training in the Weatherization Assistance Program, please complete this Interest Survey and email to