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Resources for Providers
Resources for Providers
Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA)
- Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS
The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program is funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is specifically geared towards individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS. Research shows that safe and stable housing is important to reducing viral loads (an important health indicator) for those living with HIV.
Through its sub-recipients, the MDHHS HOPWA program provides support to households with members living with HIV who are below 80% of Area Median Income. Support may include housing assistance, utility assistance, case management, and supportive services. Recipients of services do not have to be homeless to receive services.
Through HUD funding, MDHHS’s HOPWA program provides services to all counties except Wayne, Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, and St. Clair. Potential recipients living in those counties should contact:
- Wayne County:
Contact City of Detroit Health Department at 313-876-0607 - Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, and St. Clair Counties
Contact OLHSA at 248-209-2672 - FY 2019 HOPWA Program List
- Wayne County:
- Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
- Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is an intervention that combines affordable housing assistance with voluntary support services to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness. PSH is long-term assistance meant for the most vulnerable homeless populations.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Housing and Homeless Services Division administers various PSH programs throughout the state via contracts with local non-profit organizations.
- Permanent Supportive Housing
Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)
- Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness
PATH program supports the delivery of outreach and services to individuals with serious mental illnesses and those with co-occurring substance use disorders who are experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness.
- Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness
Rapid Rehousing (RRP)
- Rapid Rehousing
Rapid re-housing rapidly connects families and individuals experiencing homelessness to permanent housing through a tailored package of assistance that may include the use of time-limited financial assistance and targeted supportive services. Rapid rehousing programs help families and individuals living on the streets or in emergency shelters solve the practical and immediate challenges to obtaining permanent housing while reducing the amount of time they experience homelessness, avoiding a near-term return to homelessness, and linking to community resources that enable them to achieve housing stability in the long-term.
- Rapid Rehousing
Homeless Youth and Runaway Program
- Homeless Youth and Runaway Program
MDHHS’ Homeless Youth and Runaway (HYR) Services provide support for youth between the ages of 12 and 20 who are struggling to stay in there homes for any number of reasons. HYR Runaway services provide crisis intervention, case management, counseling, and short-term emergency shelter to youth between the ages of 12 and 17 who have runaway, or are at risk of running, from home due to family conflict and who are not involved in other systems of care (i.e. foster care, juvenile justice). Services are focused on reuniting youth and families as quickly as possible and supporting their on going connection. HYR Homeless Youth services assist youth between the ages of 16 an 20 with longer term supports for when youth can’t return home. Services include case management, counseling, transitional living on a continuum, independent living skill building, and supports in accessing educational and employment opportunities.
- Homeless Youth and Runaway Program
Vital Documents for Homeless Individuals
- Vital Documents for Homeless Individuals
To apply for reimbursement for a local County Clerk’s office issued Birth Certificate:
- Follow the local Clerk’s process for applying for a Birth Certificate
- Service Provider pays for Birth Certificate at the Local Clerks Office
- Request receipt from Clerk’s Office
- Complete MDHHS-5832 Homeless Vital Document Request for Reimbursement
- Organize Birth Certificate Receipts
- Batch MDHHS-5832 and Receipts monthly and send to
To apply for a State of Michigan issued Birth Certificate:
- Complete Application for a Certified Copy-Michigan Birth Record form
- Identification (Contact Vital Records for eligible documentation)
- Provide DCH-VR Homeless Verification Letter
- Provide a copy of HMIS card
- Applicant can apply in person or by Mail (On line or telephone orders cannot be used for this process)
How to Connect with Vital Records in Lansing
- Location: Lobby Hours are from 8am – 5pm
South Grand Building
1st Floor
333 S. Grand Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
(Corner of Grand and Kalamazoo)
Must be in office before 3pm to receive same day service. - Phone: Eligibility Unit 1-517-335-8666
- Vital Records Website: (a link for VitalCheck is included in the Online Services but it doesn’t include all of the information)
- General Questions Vital Records Email:
- Vital Documents for Homeless Individuals
SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR)
- SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery
SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and is a national program designed to increase access to Federal disability income benefits for eligible adults and children who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder.
- What is SOAR?
- FY 2019 SOAR Quarterly Training
- SOAR E-Bulletins
- SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery
Financial Information for Providers
- Financial Information for Providers
Attached is the current calendar for MDHHS Housing and Homeless Services grantees and their obligations for reporting FSRs, contract amendment deadlines, quarterly reports for program related materials.
Federal Regulations:
- Financial Information for Providers
Emergency Shelter Program (ESP)
- Emergency Shelter Program
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) administers the Emergency Shelter Program (ESP). The ESP is operated statewide and provides emergency overnight lodging to households experiencing homelessness in Michigan. The Salvation Army Eastern Michigan Division (TSA-EMI) administers the ESP on behalf of MDHHS. The purpose and goal of the ESP is to provide emergency overnight lodging to households experiencing homelessness in Michigan and support moving them from temporary shelter into stable housing as quickly as possible.
- TSA-EMI has a team dedicated to supporting the needs of the Emergency Shelter Program. Click here for contact list.
- Click here for a list of current ESP providers.
Emergency Shelter Program shelter and motel providers are required to follow the Minimum Standards for Emergency Shelter. Click here to view the Minimum Standards.
- Click here for the ESP calendar.
- National Alliance to End Homelessness Emergency Shelter Learning Series
- ESP HMIS Resources
Extreme Weather
Emergency Shelter Program shelter providers must have policies in place to serve clients during extreme weather emergencies. This includes when temperatures fall below freezing or heat waves over an extended period of time. This policy should include but not be limited to: lifting curfew times to ensure access to emergency shelter throughout the night, ability to serve all clients (including individuals that may have been barred from shelter previously), and offering warming or cooling centers during the day.
Emergency Shelter Program motel providers must have motel resources available 24/7. If your office is forced to close due to unforeseen reasons, you must have a plan in place to allow for access to motel resources. This plan and any closures must be communicated to all appropriate community partners including your local 2-1-1 call center.Click here to connect with an ESP provider in your area.
The Michigan Emergency Housing Council
The Michigan Emergency Housing Council advises the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Housing & Homeless Services Division and The Salvation Army about the needs of emergency shelter around the state. By serving on the Michigan Emergency Housing Council members have the opportunity to shape and support The Emergency Shelter Program:
- Members serve in a leadership role to assist in supporting and strengthening the shelter efforts statewide.
- Members have the opportunity to network with and learn from other shelter and motel providers from across the state.
- Members are a voice for their geographic area and for the type of services they offer.
- The Council consists of up to 24 individuals that represent diverse shelter and motel providers from around the state. Members do not need to be a current Emergency Shelter Program (ESP) funding recipient to serve on the Council.
- Members are selected to three-year terms with approximately 1/3 of the Council rotating off annually.
- Click here for a list of current members.
- Click here to apply to serve on the Emergency Housing Council.
- Emergency Shelter Program