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Resources for Parents

Congratulations on your new baby! 

Pregnancy and parenthood are special times when you make plans to care for yourself and your baby. If you use substances like alcohol or drugs, it can be especially helpful to create a plan to safely care for yourself and your infant. You can develop this plan, called a Plan of Safe Care, on your own or work with the help of a professional to help create your personalized plan. The goal of a Plan of Safe Care is to strengthen the family, help pregnant people have a healthy pregnancy, and keep children safely at home.

What is a Plan of Safe Care?

  • A personalized guide to connect you with the resources you want to help your family thrive.
  • A tool designed to address the health, development, safety, and well-being needs of infants born exposed to substances as well as their family members and caregivers. A tool to help you coordinate your care between providers.
  • A tool that communicates your strengths, needs, and accomplishments to your providers.
  • A one-page informational about the Plan of Safe Care can be found here.

When do I make a Plan of Safe Care?

A Plan of Safe Care can be developed anytime. Ideally, it is developed as soon as possible during your pregnancy. If a Plan of Safe Care has not been started during pregnancy, it can be developed after you have your baby. The earlier you start a Plan of Safe Care, the more time you have to prepare for your baby with support.

Who could be involved in helping me to create and update my Plan of Safe Care?

  A Plan of Safe Care should include input from all care providers involved in your care and the care of your child(ren). This could be:

  • Pregnancy Care Provider
  • Primary Care Provider
  • Substance Use Treatment Provider or Recovery Coach
  • Home Visitor
  • Child Welfare Staff
  • Mental Health Provider

Will a referral be made to CPS?

Substance use alone by a parent or caregiver should not result in a referral to Children’s Protective Services (CPS). If there are concerns a parent or caregiver’s substance use is impacting the safety or well-being of an infant or child, or there are other concerns for abuse and/or neglect, a referral may be made to CPS to assess further. Creating a POSC provides you the ability to advocate for yourself while taking the necessary steps to build a safe and healthy environment for your child(ren).

You are NOT alone!

Many people struggle during pregnancy and in early parenthood. Resources are available to help you support and care for your family. Many of these resources are low-cost or free. The Plan of Safe Care can help you advocate for yourself and your children. Talk to your care provider today to build your Plan of Safe Care. Sharing your Plan of Safe Care with all of your care providers will help them help you!

Develop your personalized Plan of Safe Care

You can develop your own Plan of Safe Care or connect to a home visiting provider or substance use treatment provider who can support you in developing your plan.


Resources for Parents