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Contracting with Weatherization

Most local Weatherization operators in Michigan work with mechanical and insulation contractors to complete the retrofits on homes in their service area. Contractors working in the program receive all the training that is required by the Department of Energy for free. Working under contract with a local weatherization provider ensures access to training, year-round jobs, and establishes a strong connection with the local community.

MDHHS contracts with local weatherization operators at Community Action Agencies that administer the program across the state. Each agency provides services to a designated area, ensuring that all counties in Michigan can benefit from this energy-saving program.

Contractors benefit from the Weatherization Assistance Program by

  • providing year-round work to employees beyond the typical construction season,
  • helping their community thrive while making area housing safer and more efficient, and
  • working in an industry that reduces the carbon footprint of hundreds of families in Michigan.

Contractor sealing an attic

A Contractor air sealing an attic

Click here to watch a short video about contracting with the Weatherization Assistance Program

Energy conservation and energy usage reduction is the foundation of the Weatherization Assistance Program and is an increasingly vital component of many trades. Becoming part of the solution to environmental concerns is a desirable approach for many businesses.

To find out how to get involved and receive free training in the Weatherization Assistance Program, please complete this Interest Survey and email to