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State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP)

The SHIP is a long-term systematic plan to address issues facing our state. Its purpose is to set priorities, direct resources, develop projects, programs and policies with the input and collaboration of local communities, internal and external stakeholders, and experts across Michigan. Health equity and reducing equity gaps are key to the plan. The SHIP focuses on what influences health and addressing social determinants of health.

As we move through development and towards implementation, we strive to be intentional and clear in the approach to infuse Health in All Policies (HiAP) in all work. PHA is collaborating with an interagency work group that provides input on Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) strategies.

  • Timeline and data collection:
    • Initial data collection occurred during the SHA 2019-2022
    • Following the SHA results and report, the SHIP kick-off began in February 2024
    • Spanned from inception in February and is slated to continue through December 2024.
      • Action Planning will occur Sept – Oct. The SHIP document will be developed between Sept and December
      • Implementation will begin in early 2025

Members of Steering Committee and Sub Committee

    • Peter Blank
    • Jennifer Schuette
    • Dawn McCune
    • Alison Johnson
    • Jessie Jones
    • Brittney Spitzley
    • Jeanette Ball
    • Priority Area 1:
      • Algeria Wilson, Angela Reyes, Anne Kuhnen, Ashya Smith, Ashley Tanksley, Danielle Persky, Faiyaz Syed, James Bell III, Janilla Lee, Joe Coyle, Laura de la Rambelje, Lynn Hendges, May Yassine, Nicole Hudson, Phyllis Meadows, Ponsella Hardaway, Shatoria Townsend, Stephan Currie, Tina Wahl, Tiwanna Hatcher
    • Priority Area 2:
      • Brian Hartl, Deanna Charest, Donald Simila, Dr. Carolyn Carter, Dr. Georgiana Sanders, Juwon Harris, Katherine James, Lonnie Barnett, Madeline Elliot, Michelle Walters, Nirali Bora, Robert Sheehan, Shannon Mckenney Shubert, Stephan Smith, Taryn Gal
    • Priority Area 3:
      • Chris Harrington, Danuelle Calloway, Dawn Earnesty, Dawn Opel, Deidre Hurse, Diane Golzynski, Donald Simila, Elizabeth Hartig, Emma Schmidt, Gwen Tithof, Jasmine Hardy, Jennifer Beggs, Jodie Shaver, Joyce Seals, Katie Commey, Kelli Delong, Laura Mispelon, Lauren Neely, Michelle Worobeic, Molly Cotant, RoAnne Chaney, Shonie Blake, Tiffiney Gray, Tim Slawinkski, Yesenia Murillo
    • Priority Area 4:
      • Brenda Gray, Brett Williams, Brittney Hemraj, Carrie La Seur, George Friday, Heidi Tracy, Jacquetta Hinton, Jessica Ledesema, Melanie Ward, Nate McCaughtry, Ninah Sasy, Polly Hager, Samantha Pickering, Sara Simmonds, Stephanie Zarb, Vern Johnson
  • The State Health Improvement Plan is intended to be a living, working document that will be revised as available resources change and new partner activities are identified.
  • Michigan’s State Health Assessment and State Health Improvement Plan are public health system documents; not documents and reports owned by MDHHS.