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Did you know?

Law Enforcement

Michigan has a Youth Tobacco Act (YTA) that in summary says:

  • A person who sells tobacco products at retail shall post, in a place close to the point of sale and conspicuous to both employees and customers, a sign produced by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services:
  • It is illegal to sell, give, or furnish a tobacco product to a person under the age of 18
  • A person under the age of 18 shall not possess or use a tobacco product in a public place of business or amusement.
  • A person who sells tobacco products at retail shall not sell a cigarette separately from its package - ("loosies")
  • Harboring minors for the purpose of indulging in the use of tobacco products is a misdemeanor.

Failure to comply with the YTA can result in fine or community service. This law is subject to enforcement by the Michigan State Police, the Sheriff's Department and Local Law Enforcement.