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We Treat Hep C

It's time to eliminate hep c graphic
we treat hepatitis c data, screening, testing, and treatment

The MDHHS We Treat Hep C Initiative

Studies estimate that over 69,000 Michiganders are currently living with hepatitis C and that almost half of this population is unaware of their infection. Hepatitis C can be cured in only eight to 12 weeks with safe, effective, oral medications.

Through the We Treat Hep C Initiative, hepatitis C treatment medication MAVYRET® no longer requires prior authorization and hepatitis C treatment with MAVYRET® is available to all Medicaid ($1 copay) and Healthy Michigan Plan (no copay) beneficiaries at little to no cost. Other direct-acting antiviral medications ($3 copay) require prior authorization and are approved when MAVYRET® is not clinically appropriate.  



Resources for Providers                                            Resources for the Public

Hepatitis C video from State of Michigan Chief Medical Executive Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian

“There are safe and effective oral medications that can cure people with hepatitis C in only eight to 12 weeks … If you don't know if you have hepatitis C, ask your health care provider for a hepatitis C test. Please join us in our efforts to eliminate hepatitis C in all Michiganders. Get tested, get treated, get cured.”

Find a Hepatitis C Treatment Provider

To find a hepatitis C treatment provider in Michigan, zoom in on the map below. Use the search function to identify providers within a city, zip code, or county. Location markers on the directory map have been color coded to denote service provider type.

Disclaimer: Listings in the Hepatitis C Treatment Provider Map are for informational purposes and is not a complete list of all hepatitis C treatment providers in the state of Michigan. Inclusion in the map is for providers who have given consent to be added and does not constitute MDHHS' endorsement or recommendation of, or for, any individual, service, treatment, or organization. Phone numbers, addresses, and service information are subject to change.

To add, remove, or update the information about a medical facility or provider, e-mail

For a printable listing of the Hepatitis C Treatment Provider map above, please download the Hepatitis C Treatment Provider Directory.

Get Tested, Get Treated, Get Cured