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Healthy Michigan Plan Second Waiver(s) Documents and Public Hearing Information

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Approval of Second Waiver

CMS Special Terms and Conditions

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is seeking approval from the federal government to modify the health care coverage program known as the Healthy Michigan Plan, as required by State law. Specifically, MCL 400.105d(20) directs MDHHS to seek a waiver that would allow individuals who are between 100% and 133% of the federal poverty level and have had Healthy Michigan Plan coverage for 48 cumulative months to choose one of the following options:

  1. Purchase private insurance through the federal Marketplace (with eligibility for advanced premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions), or
  2. Remain in the Healthy Michigan Plan with increased cost-sharing up to 7% of income. This option also includes an increase in enrollee contributions to 3.5% of income (with the opportunity for reductions).

The individuals described above who do not choose one of these options will remain in the Healthy Michigan Plan under option 2.  

MDHHS must submit the waiver request to the federal government by September 1, 2015. Approval of this request would allow the State of Michigan to maintain coverage for the approximately 600,000 individuals currently enrolled in the program.

On September 1, 2015, MDHHS submitted a Section 1115 waiver amendment to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in compliance with state law. The State is seeking approval of this amendment in order to implement certain directives contained in the State law known as Public Act 107 of 2013 and in turn, continue to provide affordable and accessible health care coverage for approximately 600,000 Michigan citizens.

1115 Heathy Michigan Plan Waiver Amendment

Any interested party wishing to comment on the submitted waiver amendment may send comments to the Medical Services Administration by US mail or e-mail.  If commenting by e-mail, please include "Healthy Michigan Plan Second Waiver" in the subject line.

By mail: Attn: Medicaid Policy             By e-mail:
Medical Services Administration
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
PO Box 30479
Lansing, MI 48909

MDHHS plans to submit a waiver request to CMS to modify the approved Section 1115 Demonstration known as the Healthy Michigan Plan.  MDHHS submitted a concept paper to CMS on May 27, 2015 outlining how it plans to achieve the requirements described in the State law above.  A copy of the concept paper is included below, along with a copy of the relevant public act.

Public Notice
Waiver Concept Paper  (Spanish)  (Arabic)
Healthy Michigan Plan State Law (MCL 400.105d)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - Medicaid Demonstrations & Waivers

MDHHS hosted a public hearing to share information about the waiver and status of the process, as well as receive comments and feedback on the implementation from enrolled individuals, providers, advocates, and other interested organizations.

The hearing was held from 9:00am to 11:00am on June 24, 2015 at the Capitol Commons Center Building, 400 S. Pine St., Lansing 48913 - lower level conference rooms E and F.

  • Parking: metered spaces are available on Kalamazoo St. A public lot in front of the Michigan Library and Historical Center is also available.
  • A sign language interpreter will be interpreting during the hearing.
  • The Capitol Commons Center is an accessible building.

Presentation for June 24th Public Hearing

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