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Michigan Medicaid Renewals Data

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires states to report on specific measures to demonstrate progress toward completing renewals of eligibility for all Medicaid enrollees. The data below reflects Michigan’s monthly progress on eligibility renewals. A complete data dictionary and description of all measures is available on the CMS website. A complete set of the data submitted to CMS can be downloaded below.

Michigan uses a 90-day renewal timeline. The process begins two months before an enrollee's renewal date and ends at the close of the enrollee's renewal month. A complete timeline of renewals is available here. In the below data, April 2023 is the first month MDHHS began the renewal process for beneficiaries with a June renewal date.

Data will be updated monthly after it has been sent to CMS.



Ex Parte (passive renewal): When MDHHS attempts to renew a Medicaid beneficiary using data already available without needing to request additional information from the beneficiary.

Renewed Pre-Populated Form: Beneficiaries who are renewed using the pre-populated renewal forms that are sent to them.
Determined Ineligible for Medicaid: Beneficiaries who no longer meet the eligibility criteria for Medicaid.

Terminated for Procedural Reasons: Beneficiaries terminated from Medicaid for failure to comply or submit renewal paperwork.

Renewal Not Complete: Number of beneficiaries whose renewal was submitted but not completed by local office staff.

More detailed information on each metric and its components is available here: