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Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Grants

Community Prevention Grants Programs

The Title V Community Prevention Grants Program funds collaborative, community-based delinquency prevention efforts. The program integrates six fundamental principles-comprehensive and multidisciplinary approaches, research foundation for planning, community control and decision making, leveraging of resources and systems, evaluation to monitor program progress and effectiveness, and a long-term perspective-that combine to form a strategic approach to reducing juvenile delinquency.

Overview of the Title V Community Prevention Grants Program.

Formula Grants Programs

The program provides communities with funding and a guiding framework for developing and implementing comprehensive juvenile delinquency prevention plans. The three-year prevention plans are designed to reduce risk factors and enhance protective factors associated with juvenile delinquency and to decrease the incidence of juvenile problem behavior.

The Title II Formula Grants Program supports a continuum of juvenile justice efforts from prevention to after care reintegration at the state local and community level.  These grants also support change and improvements to the juvenile justice system. Congress appropriates formula grant funds and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention awards them to the 50 states, five territories, and the District of Columbia on the basis of their proportionate population younger than age 18. At least two-thirds of the funds awarded to each state must be used for programs that local public and private agencies operate and eligible American Indian tribal programs.

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's In Focus publication describes the program's eligibility requirements, program areas, award process, and regulations.