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EGLE Permits

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Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

EGLE Permits

EGLE's mission to protect Michigan's environment and public health by managing air, water, land, and energy resources is supported by environmental permitting. Through permit issuance and oversight, EGLE strives to facilitate environmentally responsible economic growth.

Permits inform the permittee of legally enforceable conditions for operation, as well as reporting requirements, pollution monitoring, and testing requirements. The permit process also informs Michigan citizens of proposed activities affecting the environmental quality of their community. Environmental permits are key to reducing industry's environmental impacts, facilitating compliance with environmental requirements and promoting technological innovation.


For questions regarding existing permits, contact the Environmental Assistance Center at or 800-662-9278, or refer to our Compliance Assistance resources.

MiEnviro Portal


Environmental Permit Information Checklists:

Perform an initial evaluation with the EGLE Permit Information Checklist. The checklist contains “yes” and “no” questions to help identify the types of activities at the proposed facility that require permits from EGLE.

Sector Permit Checklists: If your business is specific to the following operations, please utilize the checklist below.

Michigan Guide to Environmental Regulations

EGLE has developed this Guide to Environmental Regulations to assist Michigan's business, industry, and local governments in navigating the maze of environmental obligations they face. It includes a self-assessment tool that can help identify the regulations that may pertain to your business/operation.

For questions regarding your new facility, contact:

Anita Singh, Permit Coordinator

State License Search


Below is an overview of the most common permits and licenses administered by EGLE. This is not inclusive of all individual permits or licenses provided by EGLE.

Permit Division Authority Description
Acid Rain Permits (Title IV) Air Quality Title IV of the federal Clean Air Act of 1990 Certain electric generating units (EGUs) that sell electricity to the grid and burn fossil fuel are required to submit an Acid Rain Permit application 24 months before the EGU commences operation.

Aquatic Nuisance Control

Water Resources Division

Parts 31 and 33 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (NREPA) Permits for the application of pesticides in waters of the state to control aquatic nuisances.
Biosolids Water Resources Part 31 of the NREPA; Part 24 Administrative Rules. Regulates the application of biosolids.
Campgrounds Drinking Water and Environmental Health Michigan's Public Health Code, 1978 PA 368, as amended License to operate a campground.
Community Water Supply Construction Drinking Water and Environmental Health Public Act 399 of 1976, as amended Construction permits for public water supplies.
Critical Dune Areas Water Resources Part 353 of the NREPA Construction permits for structures and uses in Critical Dune Areas.
Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) Air Quality Air Quality, CSAPR July 6 2011, Federal Register, 76 FR 48203 Addresses air pollution from upwind states that crosses state lines and affects air quality in downwind states. See EPA’s interstate air transport page.
Groundwater Discharge Permits Water Resources Part 31 of the NREPA and Part 22 Rules Regulates discharge to groundwater or authorizations to discharge wastes and wastewaters to the ground or groundwaters of the state.
Hazardous Waste and Liquid Industrial By-Products Transport Permitting and Registrations Materials Management Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 138 of 1998. Hazardous waste and liquid industrial by-product transporters regulation.
Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility Operating Licenses Materials Management Part 111 of the NREPA Hazardous waste facility construction and operating license.
Industrial Pretreatment Water Resources Part 23 Rule Requires industrial dischargers to use treatment techniques and management practices to reduce or eliminate the discharge of harmful pollutants to sanitary sewers.
Industrial Stormwater Water Resources Part 31 of the NREPA Permit coverage for stormwater discharges associate with industrial activity.
Iron Mining (Ferrous Metallic Minerals) Geologic Resources Management
Part 631 of the NREPA Regulation of the construction, operation, and reclamation of mining operations for iron extraction.
Land/Water Interface - Joint Permit Application (JPA) Water Resources Parts 13, 31, 91, 301, 303, 315, 323, 325, 353 of the NREPA For construction activities where the land meets the water. The JPA provides simultaneous review for activities on or for: Wetlands, Floodplains, Dams, Inland Lakes and Streams, Great Lakes Bottomlands, Critical Dunes, Environmental Areas, and High Risk Erosion Areas.
Municipal Stormwater Water Resources Clean Water Act of 1972 NPDES permitting of stormwater discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems to surface water.
Nonferrous Metallic Mining Geologic Resources Management Part 632 of the NREPA Regulation of the construction, operation, and reclamation of mining operations of nonferrous metallic minerals such as copper, nickel, zinc, gold, and silver.
NPDES Permits Water Resources Clean Water Act of 1972

Imposes effluent limitations on discharge of pollutants into surface waters.

Onsite Wastewater (Septic Systems) Drinking Water and Environmental Health

Michigan’s Public Health Code, Act 368 of 1978.

The Onsite Wastewater Program is a required service for local health departments.
Permit to Install (PTI) Air Quality Michigan Air Pollution Control Rule 201 A permit to install is required to install, construct, reconstruct, relocate, or modify any process or process equipment, including control equipment, which may emit an air contaminant.
Public Swimming Pool Construction Drinking Water and Environmental Health Part 125 of 1978 PA 368, as amended Construction permit for a new public swimming pool or modification of an existing public swimming pool.
Renewable Operating Permits (ROP) Air Quality Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments The ROP consolidates all state and federal air quality requirements into one document. Major sources of air emissions must apply.
Sand Dune Mining Geologic Resources Management Part 637: Sand Dune Mining Permitting and regulation of sand dune mines within designated areas up to two miles inland from Great Lake shorelines.
Septage Waste Program Drinking Water and Environmental Health 2004 Public Act 381, which amended Part 117, Septage Waste Servicers, of the NREPA Licensing and handling of domestic septage.
Shorelands (High-Risk Erosion Areas on Great Lake Coastlines) Water Resources Part 323 of the NREPA Permits for structures, additions and septic systems proposed on properties in high-risk erosion areas.
Soil Erosion and Construction Stormwater Water Resources Rule 2190, promulgated under Part 31, NREPA Regulation of construction activities that disturb one or more acres of land and have a point source discharge of stormwater to waters of the state.
Solid Waste Disposal Facility Construction Permit Materials Management Part 115 of the NREPA Regulates the operation and maintenance of solid waste disposal areas.
Submerged Lands Water Resources Part 325 of the NREPA Regulates construction activities along Great Lakes shoreline and bottomlands, including coastal marshes. Regulates the recovery and use of submerged cultural resources (shipwrecks and associated artifacts) and logs from Great Lake bottomlands.
Wastewater Construction Permits: Part 41 Water Resources Part 41, Sewerage Systems, of NREPA Permits the construction of wastewater facilities.
Wetland Permits Water Resources Part 303, Wetlands Protection, of the NREPA

Permits to deposit or placing of fill material; dredge and removal of soil or minerals (i.e., removing tree stumps, bulldozing, digging a pond); construction, operation or maintained use or development; or drainage of surface water.


Laws typically provide parties with the opportunity to administratively challenge EGLE's permit decisions. The following describes remedies available to the permit applicant, as well as third parties, that have suffered or could suffer an injury as a result of the decision.

Permit Applicant Review

If a permit applicant is having a dispute with EGLE during the application process, they can petition the EGLE Director to intervene. If the Director cannot resolve the issue, then the Director selects and convenes a three-member panel that meets with the applicant and EGLE staff. The panel provides a recommendation back to the Director. For more information, go to the Environmental Permit Review Commission Web site.

Contested Cases

A number of regulatory programs administered by EGLE provide the right to a contested case hearing. A person with standing, including the permit applicant, can contest a permit decision made by EGLE. For more information about filing a petition for a contested case, go to the Administrative Procedures Web site.

For information about submitting a petition for review of a final decision of a contest case, go to the Environmental Permit Review Commission Web site.