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Earth Day: Poster Contest Information

A watercolor painting of the earth, surrounded by a deep purple background
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Earth Day: Poster Contest Information

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) invites Kindergarten – 5th Grade students
to create an original poster for the Earth Day 2025 Poster Contest!


Contest Rules

  • Poster content must be Michigan-specific. Students should include wildlife, plants, land, or freshwater ecosystems native to Michigan in their Earth Day 2025 Poster. They can be hand-drawn or created on a computer.


  • Posters will be scored based on the students' creative use of Michigan native wildlife, plants, land, freshwater ecosystems, or environmental topics specific to your Michigan community.


  • Each poster must be created by one student. Hand-drawn posters should be photographed and submitted as a JPG or PNG file. A horizontal or landscape orientation is recommended.


  • Schools may submit no more than 3 posters per grade. If a whole class is participating in the contest, the school should hold their own contest and submit only the top three (3) posters per grade (K-5).


  • Gift cards will be awarded to the first and second place winners in each grade. Winners will be notified directly in April and will be announced through EGLE Classroom and EGLE's social media channels the week of Earth Day.


  • Use the online submission form to submit posters by 11:59 p.m. EST on March 31New Date!


Questions? Contact Pam Howd (EGLE) at 517-282-8357 or


2024 Poster Contest Winners