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Remediation and Redevelopment Division

Drum Removal from Hubbell Processing Area
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Remediation and Redevelopment Division

The Remediation and Redevelopment Division (RRD) oversees the remediation and redevelopment of contaminated properties in Michigan. The division administers two environmental cleanup programs, including the Environmental Remediation program and the Leaking Underground Storage Tank program. In addition, the division coordinates the implementation of brownfield redevelopment financing for environmental response activities. The division also manages portions of the federal Superfund program and oversees the department's laboratory responsible for drinking water and environmental testing.

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BEA Website Picture

Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs)

A Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) allows people to purchase or begin operating at a facility without being held liable for existing contamination.

Due Care

Due Care

Due Care are the obligations that owners and operators of  contaminated properties are required to take, to ensure that the contamination does not cause unacceptable exposures and assure the safe use of the property.

Michigan Green Schools - Become a Green School and Protect

Groundwater Modeling

The Groundwater Modeling Program has provided groundwater modeling support on a department-wide basis since 1980.

Man testing for PFAS in lab

Laboratory Services

EGLE's Laboratory Services is committed to the health and safety of everyone in Michigan.

Identifying the boundaries for restricted use

Land or Resource Use Restrictions

Michigan’s environmental remediation program authorizes EGLE to set cleanup standards by considering how the contaminated land will be used in the future.

Drum Removal from Hubbell Processing Area

Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

Owner/operator's responsibility for the corrective actions mandated by Part 213.

EPS Madison Heights Site Before Demolition

Remediation and Investigation

Remediation includes response activities to manage and reduce risks at sites of environmental contamination.

An excavator removing black sludge from a creek

RenewMI (Sites of Current Interest)

Learn more about active remediation and redevelopment projects under the Part 201 and Part 213 program.

Response Review Panel Document Sign

Response Activity Review Panel

This Panel allows a person to appeal a decision made by the department for the following: a response activity plan, no further action report, a request for certificate of completion, or documentation of due care compliance.

Two people writing on paper with two laptops on a desk

Remediation Information Data Exchange (RIDE)

Resources and information on utilizing RRD's data exchange and the Inventory of Facilities.

Aerial image from RIDE Mapper showing a buffer being used to identify features within a placed point

RIDE Mapper

An interactive map displaying contaminated sites throughout Michigan regulated under Parts 213, 201, and 211.

Picture of man signing document

RRD Enforcement Actions

The standard enforcement process may be defined as a progressive sequence of actions taken to compel compliance.


RRD Enforcement Actions Perfected Lien List

The department has perfected liens on property pursuant to Section 20138 of Part 201, Environmental Remediation of Act 451, as amended.

Jackson Armory Art Project Prison Site 11-2005

State Sites Cleanup Program

The State Sites Cleanup Program was established in 1996 to facilitate the cleanup of contaminated sites when the state of Michigan is the owner or liable party.

Aerial view of Liquid Disposal


Information about Michigan's Superfund Program which includes sites that are listed on the National Priorities List (NPL).

Vapor Intrusion Sampling Shroud

Vapor Intrusion

Vapor intrusion sometimes occurs where chemicals were spilled, leaked, or dumped and not cleaned up.

Meet Director Mike Neller

Mike joined EGLE in 2018 as manager of the Radiological Section and has led RRD since 2019. His eclectic background also includes three years as the Professor of Naval Science at the University of Notre Dame, six years in manufacturing, and five years in education, most recently as dean of students at Culver Academies in Indiana.

Mike Neller's Biography