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A wide angle view of the many attendees at the 2023 Michigan Environmental Justice conference
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy


We host multiple conferences every year on environmental-focused topics. Select a conference to learn more.

Great Lakes Drinking water conference

Binational Lake St. Clair Conference

This conference offers a unique opportunity for stakeholders from both nations to continue their commitment to restoring and protecting Lake St. Clair. Together, we will explore innovative strategies to enhance the watershed's environmental, economic, and cultural value through lake wide management.
An emergency worker in safety gear looks outward towards three other workers wearing safety gear and pointing a hose at a hazard

Great Lakes Environmental Emergency Response and Management Conference

A premier event for professionals in the Great Lakes Region dedicated to enhancing environmental emergency preparedness, response, and recovery within the Great Lakes Region.

A man sitting at a desk watching a webinar; there are many attendees on camera on the computer screen

Great Lakes PFAS Summit

The Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART) brings together participants from across the world and across industry to discuss the most current and reliable science and policy, facilitate information sharing, and explored current and future research topics related to PFAS. 

EGLE Director Roos standing at a podium in front of a large audience of attendees

Great Lakes Water Infrastructure Conference

Brings together leading experts, professionals, state and local officials, and more to discuss and address water infrastructure challenges and solutions in the Great Lakes region.

EGLE staff at the Environmental Compliance Conference in Marquette.

Michigan Environmental Compliance Conference

The Michigan Environmental Compliance Conference (MECC) is designed to help businesses, municipalities, and environmental professionals comply with their environmental requirements.

A single participant at the 2023 Michigan Environmental Justice conference places placing sticky notes on an easel

Michigan Environmental Justice Conference

The Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate brings together individuals and groups from across the state and beyond to discuss and work toward advancing Environmental Justice in Michigan.

Governor Whitmer stands at a podium speaking to attendees at the MI Healthy Climate Conference

MI Healthy Climate Conference

The Office of Climate and Energy and the Materials Management Division brings stakeholders from across the state and nation to help implement key actions in the MI Healthy Climate Plan. 

Four people standing in a large presentation room with a projector screen behind them reading "Michigan Sustainability Conference"

MI Sustainability Conference

The Materials Management Division partners with various stakeholder organizations to engage with leaders in sustainability to form the nexus between business and communities.

Tables set up at the Waste and Materials Management Conference with several attendees mingling with the hosts

MI Materials Management Conference

The goal of the event is to foster compliance and economic development, establish sustainable materials management practices, and promote efforts to meet our MI Healthy Climate Plan goals.

OGL-Images-Lake Erie Detroit River - Small

State of the Western Lake Erie Basin Conference

This event, which is open to the public, is a forum for networking, discussion, and updates on phosphorus management in Michigan's portion of the Western Lake Erie Basin.

An EGLE presenter speaks at a podium in front of a large room of conference attendees

Source Water Protection Conference

This conference is intended to help communities design and implement successful source water protection programs. Participants may include community members hoping to begin a new source water protection program or update an existing plan, or anyone interested in supporting local drinking water protection activities.