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Tribal relations

A group of about 50 people standing outside in front of a long wooden canoe
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Tribal relations

EGLE recognizes and supports the unique status of tribes in Michigan as sovereign governments with an inherent right to self-governance and self-determination and commits to meaningful communication and coordination on actions and decisions that affect their land, air, and water. 

Tribal consultation

On October 28, 2002, the State of Michigan entered into a Government-to-Government Accord with the twelve federally-recognized Indian tribes located in Michigan. The Accord served as an acknowledgement by the State of each tribes’ sovereignty and right to self-governance and self-determination, and as a commitment by the State to use a process of consultation with the tribes to minimize and avoid disputes.

On October 31, 2019, Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Directive 2019-17 to reaffirm, implement, formalize, and extend the commitments made by the state of Michigan in the Accord.

EGLE’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments implements both the Accord and the Executive Directive with the ultimate goal of strengthening the consultation, communication, coordination, and collaboration between tribal governments and EGLE.  

Contact information

Katie Lambeth, Tribal Liaison at or 517-249-0906.

The Office of Governor Gretchen Whitmer - Tribal Affairs

On October 31, 2019, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Directive 2019-17. This Executive Directive builds on the Government to Government Accord of October 28, 2002 entered into with each of Michigan’s tribes, and it requires that each state department and agency adopt a formal tribal consultation policy.
Learn more about tribal affairs in Michigan

Maps of Tribal Lands

Indian Lands in U.S. EPA Region 5

Map showing Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Lands in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Land Cessions in Michigan

This 19th century map, produced by the Smithsonian Institution, depicts the major Native American land cessions that resulted in what is now Michigan.