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Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division

Girl drinking water from a glass
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division

The Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division (DWEHD) oversees Michigan's public water supplies to ensure safe drinking water. The division is involved in source water protection, operator certification and training, water well construction, registration of water well drilling contractors, assisting local health departments in conducting drinking water quality investigations, approving and licensing the handling of domestic septage, and oversight of the onsite wastewater management program. The division is also responsible for the approval and licensing of campgrounds and public swimming pools.

Tent lit up at night at campground at Big Bear lake Credit: DNR


Information on the requirements for constructing, modifying, licensing, and operating a campground.

mother and her children drinking water out of glass

Community Water Supply

The program's primary function is regulatory oversight of approximately 1,400 community public water supplies in Michigan.

well head termination near USTs

Contamination Investigation

Assists local health departments in conducting drinking water quality investigations in areas of known or suspected environmental contamination.

Girl drinking water from a glass

Drinking Water

EGLE has primary enforcement authority in Michigan for the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act under the legislative authority of the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act.

well, 5 inch casing with markings

Noncommunity Water Supply

Contracts with local health departments to maintain a noncommunity water supply program in each county.

onsite system being dug

Onsite Wastewater Management

Offers assistance and training to local health departments in the review and approval of land developments utilizing onsite wastewater systems and large capacity onsite systems discharging up to 10,000 gallons per day.

drinking water operator in a room of computers

Operator Training and Certification

The main function of the program is to certify and train the 2,800 operators employed at public water supply systems. The program establishes minimum professional standards to obtain certification.

Boy in swimming pool with goggles

Public Swimming Pools

Information on requirements for building and operating public swimming pools.

man holding sampling bottle next to school drinking water bottle filling stations

School Drinking Water

Guidance and tools for the Filter First legislation, voluntary lead testing program, and other drinking water quality resources important for schools and child care centers.

septage being injected


Information on the licensing and handling of domestic Septage, as regulated under 2004 Public Act 381, which amended Part 117, Septage Waste Servicers, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended.

Homestead Dam on the Betsie River

Source Water Assessment

The 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act required states to identify the areas that supply public drinking water, inventory contaminants and assess water susceptibility to contamination, and inform the public of the results.

Sunshine sparkling on the surface of a stream with large grey rocks in it

Source Water Protection

Assists local communities utilizing groundwater for their municipal drinking water supply systems in protecting their water source.

water hauler truck with 1600 gallon tank

Water Hauler

The licensing and handling of bulk water for drinking or household purposes, except for their own household use. Part 24 of the SDWA rules implements section 18 of the SDWA.

two contractors working on drilling well

Water Well Construction

Protection of public health, ground water resources, and aquifers is accomplished by assuring that water wells are constructed, operated, and decommissioned in a technically sound manner.

Meet Director Eric Oswald

As the current director for DWEHD, Eric implemented Michigan’s Lead and Copper Rule; established maximum contaminant levels for seven PFAS compounds. Formerly, Eric served as a colonel in the U.S. Air Force in 2017 with 28 years of experience in construction, repair, and maintenance of critical infrastructure.  

Eric Oswald's Biography