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Boards and advisory groups
Boards and advisory groups
Various groups advise the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy on policy and programmatic issues. These groups provide a forum for stakeholders to provide feedback and advice to EGLE, and are often mandated formally through legislation and executive order. Boards and workgroups are also assembled by the department for advice from stakeholders, especially as related to the Department's rule-making authority.
Air Advisory Council
The Air Advisory Council provides meaningful input and guidance to the Air Quality Division thereby assisting in the wise management of the State of Michigan's air resources.
Climate and energy
Council on Climate Solutions
The Council on Climate Solutions will act in an advisory capacity to the governor and the department in formulating and overseeing the implementation of the MI Healthy Climate Plan, which will serve as the action plan for this state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition toward economywide carbon neutrality.
UP Energy Task Force
Pursuant to Executive Order 2019-14, the UP Energy Task Force was dissolved 90 days after the submittal of the final report, which was submitted on March 31, 2021. The UP Energy Task Force was created by Executive Order 2019-14 and was charged with assessing the Upper Peninsula's overall energy needs and formulating alternative solutions for providing this energy.
Drinking water
Clean Water Ambassadors
The Clean Water Ambassador Initiative is a statewide effort designed to improve transparency and communication concerning water quality in Michigan. Clean Water Ambassadors play a vital role in ensuring that drinking water programs and resources are accessible and effective.
Director's Water Well Advisory Committee
The Director's Water Well Advisory Committee is established to serve the department in an advisory capacity, on current issues involving the water well industry including topics such as the state water strategy, water well construction, statute and rule development, and implementation of well construction regulations.
Statewide Drinking Water Advisory Council
Revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule resulted in the creation of the Statewide Drinking Water Advisory Council.
Water System Advisory Councils
The State of Michigan's 2018 revision to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) created both state-level and utility-level water advisory councils. Water suppliers and water systems with more than 50,000 customers will each be required to create a Community Water Advisory Council. The advisory council will advise the utility on communications related to lead in drinking water as well as other drinking water quality issues.
Environmental Justice
Interagency Environmental Justice Response Team
Integrating equity and Environmental Justice into state government is vital for the state of Michigan. The Interagency Environmental Justice Response Team was created with the goal of assuring that all Michigan residents benefit equitably from the protections and policies of state government.
Michigan Advisory Council on Environmental Justice
The Michigan Advisory Council on Environmental Justice (MAC-EJ) is the state’s first Environmental Justice advisory council. The MAC-EJ is an advisory body for Environmental Justice actions spearheaded by the Interagency Environmental Justice Response Team and the Office of Environmental Justice Public Advocate.
Land and property
Michigan Underground Storage Tank Authority
The MUSTA serves Michigan's petroleum underground storage tank owners and operators, local units of government, and country road commissions by managing the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund, Legacy Release Program, and Public Highway Cleanup Program on a sound fiscal basis.
Oil and Gas Advisory Committee
The Oil and Gas Advisory Committee advises EGLE on matters of regional or statewide significance relating to oil and gas exploration and production. The Committee provides input on policy, rules, orders, instructions, technical reviews, and hearings.
Response Activity Review Panel
This Panel allows a person to appeal a decision made by the department for the following: a response activity plan, no further action report, a request for certificate of completion, or documentation of due care compliance.
Materials management
Scrap Tire Advisory Committee
The Scrap Tire Advisory Committee (STAC) was originally created to foster continued interaction between EGLE and stakeholders. It continues to provide an open forum for discussion of issues and trends in the scrap tire industry, and to facilitate improvements to the Scrap Tire Program administered under Part 169.
Solid Waste and Recycling Advisors
The Solid Waste and Sustainability Advisory Panel (SWSAP) and the Governor's Recycling Council (GRC) were two separate stakeholder advisory groups that were appointed beginning in 2014 and together made up the Solid Waste and Recycling Advisors.
Operator certification
Advisory Board of Examiners for Drinking Water
The Board assists the department in several areas regarding drinking water operator certification and also reviews training programs. The advisory board also receives notice and provides a hearing opportunity to certified operators when there is consideration to suspend or revoke an operator's certificate.
Board of Certification for Municipal Wastewater
The Board is primarily advisory except that training courses required for continuing education are reviewed for approval or disapproval. The Board provides review and comment when there is consideration to suspend or revoke an operator's certificate.
Board of Examiners for Industrial Wastewater
The activities of the Board are primarily advisory except that, following evaluation and examination of an operator, the board recommends to the department the issuance or non-issuance of certificates.
Permits and rulemaking
Environmental Permit Review Commission
The Environmental Permit Review Commission (EPRC) was created by Public Act 268 of 2018, to advise the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s (EGLE) Director on disputes related to permits and permit applications. The EPRC consists of 15 individuals appointed by the Governor. The EPRC may review Petitions for Permit Application Review and Petitions for Review of a Final Decision of a Contested Case.
Water resources
Michigan Dam Safety Task Force
The Task Force evaluated the Water Resources Division's Dam Safety Program, the adequacy of Michigan's dam safety standards, and the level of investment needed in Michigan's dam infrastructure. Its final report recommends regulatory, financial, and programmatic improvements to help ensure Michigan dams are appropriately maintained, operated, and overseen.
Statewide Public Advisory Council (SPAC)
The U.S. – Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement commits the two governments to cooperate with state, provincial, and tribal governmental units to develop and implement Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) for the 43 Areas of Concern (AOCs), including the original fourteen AOCs in Michigan.
Water Asset Management Council
Michigan's Water Asset Management Council (WAMC) was created to lead, guide, and assist communities in the development and/or enhancement of their drinking water, wastewater, and storm water asset management programs.
Water Use Advisory Council
The Water Use Advisory Council is a public forum for discussion and study to support EGLE, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for the best management of Michigan's water resources.
Other topics
Joint Agency Transportation Committee
Public Transportation Agencies; which include MDOT; EGLE; the County Road Association of Michigan; and the Michigan Municipal League formed a Joint Agency Transportation Committee to improve environmental permit services for Act 51 funded transportation projects.
Toxics Steering Group
The purpose of the Toxics Steering Group (TSG) is to provide a forum for discussion of human health risk assessment issues related to exposure to chemical contaminants in environmental media. The TSG will facilitate development of consensus recommendations based on sound science to relevant state department managers and will foster consistency of risk assessment applications within the EGLE and between state agencies, while minimizing duplication of effort on risk assessment issues.