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Environmental Permit Review

Exterior view of Constitution Hall the physical office of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Environmental Permit Review

The Environmental Permit Review Commission (EPRC) was created by Public Act 268 of 2018, to advise the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s Director on disputes related to permits and permit applications. Executive Order No. 2024-05 6(a) abolished the EPRC effective September 17, 2024 and transferred the statutory authority, powers, duties, and functions to EGLE, creating the Environmental Permit Review (EPR).  The EGLE’s EPR may review Petitions for Permit Application Review and Petitions for Review of a Final Decision of a Contested Case.

None scheduled at this time

 No meeting at this time

Petition for Permit Application Review

If a permit applicant has a dispute with EGLE while their permit application is pending, the applicant may complete an Environmental Permit Review Petition for Permit Application Review. If the dispute cannot be resolved informally, the Chief Deputy Director (or designee) will convene a Permit Application Review meeting with the applicant and the EGLE Division to hear the issues in dispute, the relevant facts, and any data, analysis, opinion, and supporting documentation. After the meeting, the Chief Deputy Director (or designee) will issue a recommendation to the Director and the applicant. The Director will then issue a written decision that either agrees or disagrees with the  recommendation.

All EPR Petition requests should be submitted using the online EPR Petition Form. To file an EPR Petition for Permit Application Review:

Any questions on a Petition for Permit Application Review should be sent to


Petition for Review of a Final Decision of a Contested Case

Within 21 days after an administrative law judge (ALJ) issues a Final Decision and Order regarding a permit, any party may complete an Environmental Permit Review Petition for Review of a Final Decision of a Contested Case, to seek a review of the ALJ's Final Decision and Order by the Director of EGLE (or designee). The Director (or designee) conducts meetings with information limited to the record established by the ALJ and can adopt, remand, modify, or reverse, in whole or in part, a Final Decision and Order.

All EPR Petition requests should be submitted using the online EPR Petition Form. To file an EPR Petition of a Final Decision of a Contested Case:

Any questions on a Petition of a Final Decision of a Contested Case should be sent to


Additional Resources