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Remediation Information Data Exchange (RIDE)

Two people writing on paper with two laptops on a desk
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Remediation Information Data Exchange (RIDE)

The Remediation Information Data Exchange (RIDE) is an application used by the Remediation and Redevelopment Division (RRD) that allows for the exchange of data and information related to contaminated properties regulated under Part 201, Environmental Remediation, and Part 213, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, of Michigan's Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. RIDE also hosts RRD's Inventory of Facilities (IOF), which is an inventory of all locations regulated by Part 201 and Part 213, and includes statistics related to programs regulated by RRD.


Launch RIDE


The RIDE application allows the regulated community to submit documents electronically, eliminating the need to send these through regular mail. The system is currently accepting electronic documents related to both the Part 201 and Part 213 programs. If you are a consultant or contractor working for RRD, RIDE also serves as the portal for submitting invoices and other documentation for state-funded projects. To submit electronic documents via RIDE, please follow the steps below to become a RIDE Third-Party user.


How do I become a RIDE user and access the application?

There are three steps to becoming a RIDE user:

1. Complete RIDE user form

On the RIDE public user page, navigate to the Inventory of Facilities (IOF), scroll down and select "Become a RIDE User." Complete and submit the form; this starts the process to become a RIDE business user.

2. Create MiLogin account

After completing Step 1, you will receive an email with instructions for creating a MiLogin for Business account. A MiLogin for Business account should ONLY be used for those that use a work or business email and/or phone number. Create the account and log in. 

Note: Do not create a new MiLogin account if you already created one for another use. You can add RIDE to your existing MiLogin account.

3. Request RIDE access

Once you have a MiLogin for Business account, navigate to “Request Access”, search for RIDE, and request the application. Once approved, you will be able to access RIDE through your MiLogin account.

Note: Requests may take 1-5 business days to process.

Additional resources will be created as RIDE continues to develop, so please check back often as new material will be available to you as new functions are released. Please note, that as RIDE development continues, some of the images/videos may depict a previous release of RIDE and therefore, may not match exactly what you see when you open RIDE. However, the processes described in the trainings should remain consistent with future releases of RIDE.

Contact information

For RIDE questions, contact:

For MiLogin issues call: 1-877-932-6424

Already a user? Log in here: MiLogin for Business