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Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know (SARA Title III)

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Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know (SARA Title III)

Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act ("SARA Title III") is also known as the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). SARA Title III establishes requirements regarding emergency planning and reporting on hazardous and toxic chemicals for federal, state, local, and tribal governments, as well as regulated facilities. The Community Right-to-Know provisions help increase the public's knowledge and access to information on chemicals at individual facilities, their uses, and releases into the environment. By working with facilities, state and local government can use this information to improve chemical safety and protect both public health and the environment.

This act has four main components:

  1. Emergency Planning & Notification (sections 302 & 303 of SARA Title III)
  2. Spill/Release Reporting (section 304 of SARA Title III)
  3. Tier II Reporting (Hazardous Chemical Inventory) (sections 311 & 312 of SARA Title III)
  4. Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) (section 313 of SARA Title III)

Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know (SARA Title III)