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Clean Water Ambassadors

A splash of clear blue water against a white background
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Clean Water Ambassadors

Community residents throughout Michigan, who are at least 18 years of age, are encouraged to serve as Clean Water Ambassadors. As an ambassador, you can share your opinion and stay connected to drinking water related issues in Michigan.

The Clean Water Ambassador Initiative is a statewide program designed to improve education and communication concerning drinking water quality in Michigan. Clean Water Ambassadors may advocate for resources and are given up-to-date information and educational resources so that they may help to spread accurate information about drinking water in their community.

Sign up to be an ambassador

Sign up for quarterly newsletters

How do Clean Water Ambassadors help?

Clean Water Ambassadors help by:
  • Providing valuable feedback on education and outreach materials to help improve accessibility and effectiveness.
  • Spreading the word through social media and other channels about drinking water quality information and available resources.
  • Sharing perspectives and concerns about drinking water quality and outreach efforts within their communities.
  • Learning about new legislation related to drinking water quality in Michigan and reaching out to their local elected officials.

Almost 200 Michigan residents have signed up to be Clean Water Ambassadors, bringing their diverse backgrounds and lived experiences to ensure that our drinking water efforts are inclusive and accessible to Michigan residents.

What do Clean Water Ambassadors do?

Clean Water Ambassadors are kept up to date on drinking water issues, given resources to learn more about drinking water, and encouraged to share information via social media or other channels. Ambassadors are also kept up to date on emerging legislation, conferences, and water infrastructure funding opportunities.

Do I need any specific skills or experience to be a Clean Water Ambassador?

No, we welcome Michigan residents with all backgrounds! Some of our ambassadors have spent a large portion of their career in drinking water and many come in with very little knowledge and background on drinking water related issues. Having ambassadors with diverse backgrounds and lived experiences is vital in helping us effectively reach all Michigan residents.

What will I gain from being a Clean Water Ambassador?

Being a Clean Water Ambassador gives you the opportunity to:

  • Be knowledgeable about drinking water issues and what to consider in your drinking water
  • Give back to Michigan communities by helping to inform and improving drinking water quality
  • Share opinions and concerns about you and your community’s drinking water

How do I become a Clean Water Ambassador?

Signing up to become a Clean Water Ambassador is easy! Answer a few questions about yourself and then we will send you some materials to get started.

Sign up to be an ambassador

Past meeting materials

While regularly scheduled meetings have been discontinued, past Clean Water Ambassador meetings are recorded below for viewing. You may also check out our upcoming and recorded webinars. Sign up for the Office of Clean Water Public Advocate newsletter to stay up-to-date on future webinars and other opportunities to learn and engage on drinking water topics.