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Noncommunity Water Supply

A swirl of water against a blue background
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Noncommunity Water Supply

A noncommunity water supply is a water system that provides water for drinking or potable purposes to 25 or more persons at least 60 days per year or has 15 or more service connections.

Michigan is home to nearly 9,500 noncommunity water supply systems, which includes schools, restaurants, motels, campgrounds, and churches. The Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act (Act 399), enacted in 1976, enabled the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)  to maintain primacy (state authority) over the drinking water program in our state. EGLE contracts with local health departments to maintain a noncommunity water supply program in each county. Noncommunity water supply staff at EGLE supports the local health departments through training, technical support, and program evaluation.

A single drop of water making a small splash and small ripples
A single drop of water making a small splash and small ripples

Drinking Water Viewer (DWV)

DWV provides public access to noncommunity water system information from the state's drinking water database, including sample results, inventory, sampling points, schedules, violations, enforcement actions, and more.

Program information