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Drinking water information

A young child and their mother smiling while drinking glasses of water
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Drinking water information

EGLE is responsible for enforcing the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act under the legislative authority of the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act, which means that EGLE regulates the public water supplies to ensure that they are complying with state and federal requirements to provide clean water to Michigan residents. There are approximately 1,400 community water supplies and 10,000 noncommunity water supplies regulated by EGLE.

Additionally, EGLE also regulates the water well drilling industry. Michigan has nearly 1.12 million households served by private wells, with approximately 15,000 domestic wells drilled each year. EGLE investigates drinking water well contamination and oversees remedial activities at sites of groundwater contamination affecting drinking water wells.

Get engaged

Clean Water Ambassadors

Community residents throughout Michigan, who are at least 18 years of age, are encouraged to serve as Clean Water Ambassadors. As an ambassador, you can share your opinion and stay connected to drinking water related issues in Michigan.

Learn more about the ambassador program