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Solid Waste Disposal Areas

EGLE staff learning about and standing on a closed landfill.
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Solid Waste Disposal Areas


Sueann Murphy

Jim Arduin

Solid Waste Disposal Areas are areas of land which receive solid waste and includes all land and structures within the permitted area, other appurtenances, and improvements on the land used for the disposal of solid wastes or improvements necessary to carry out the disposal of solid waste.

Solid Waste Disposal Areas shall include, but not be limited to the following disposal areas:

  • municipal solid waste disposal areas,
  • construction and demolition disposal areas,
  • fossil fuel combustion ash disposal areas,
  • industrial disposal areas,
  • delisted hazardous waste disposal areas, and
  • land application units for repeated disposal or treatment of special wastes.

Payment Information

Some Part 115 Facilities are required to pay fees with their registrations or permits. To determine if you are one of these facilities, please review the Materials Management Facility page and complete any available surveys through the online Authorizations Program. Facilities that are required to be authorized with a registration or general permit must also provide a site map and an operations plan. A Processing and Transfer Facility Operations Plan Template is available for use.

Solid Waste Processing and Transfer Facilities that accept greater than 50 cubic yards but less than 200 cubic yards of solid waste on-site at any time are required to obtain a registration and must pay a registration fee of $750. Registrations are to be renewed every 5 years.


For mail in payment, please attach the Processing and Transfer Facility Fee Form.


All payments should be mailed, with the corresponding fee form, to:

Standard US Postal Service
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Authorizations Program
P.O. Box 30657
Lansing, Michigan 48909-8157

Overnight Delivery
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Accounting Service Center
425 West Ottawa Street
Lansing, Michigan 48933


The Solid Waste Program is responsible for the licensing of municipal and industrial nonhazardous solid waste disposal facilities, including landfills, transfer stations, processing plants, and facilities that have coal ash operations.


The Solid Waste Program is responsible for the permitting of municipal and industrial nonhazardous solid waste disposal facilities, including landfills, transfer stations, processing plants, and facilities that have coal ash operations.


The following forms are provided for the owners and operators of solid waste transfer facilities, processing plants, and landfills that are required to provide financial assurance for closure, post-closure, and corrective action under Part 115, Solid Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended.

Solid Waste Fees

The Solid Waste Program is switching to online reporting for Landfill quarterly and annual surcharge reporting, as well as annual landfill reporting in 2021. Information may be found on the Solid Waste Program website as it becomes available.

This form/survey shall be used by all landfill types to determine Perpetual Care Fund deposits; solid waste surcharge payments; and waste receipt data as required by Part 115, Solid Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended.

Guide to Joining EGLE Materials Management Authorization Programs


Learn more about landfills

Preview of the solid waste active/accepting landfills map
Preview of the solid waste active/accepting landfills map

Solid waste active/accepting landfill facilities map and list

Find facilities within Michigan that are active/accepting solid wastes in compliance with Part 115. Displayed on the map are type II and III landfill sites.

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View the interactive map to explore the active/accepting solid waste landfills.

Searchable landfill list

This simple text list contains all active and accepting landfills.

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