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Michigan Collegiate Voting Challenge 2020 winners announced

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson today congratulated the winners of the Michigan Collegiate Voting Challenge, a nonpartisan competition between higher education institutions committed to increasing voter participation and engagement on campus. The six schools receiving awards were honored during a special virtual recognition ceremony.

"Young people voted across the state in 2020, helping to set new turnout records for voters on both sides of the aisle," said Benson. "I congratulate all the universities that participated in this historic and nonpartisan success. By educating citizens on their voting rights and encouraging them to participate in our elections, they have strengthened our democracy."

Thirty-five campuses participated in the 2020 challenge, and awards were given to 4-year and 2-year institutions in three categories: highest campus voter turnout, most improved campus voter turnout and highest student voter registration rate. Awards were based on student voter participation in the November 2020 election, using data from the National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE) reports for each campus generated by the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts University.

Awards were given to:

  • Delta College-Highest Voter Registration, 2-year award
  • University of Michigan-Flint-Highest Voter Registration, 4-year award
  • Lansing Community College-Most Improved Voter Turnout, 2-year award
  • Michigan State University-Most Improved Voter Turnout, 4-year award
  • Muskegon Community College-Highest Voter Turnout, 2-year award
  • University of Michigan-Ann Arbor-Highest Voter Turnout, 4-year award

In addition to the six awards, two schools were honored for the Best Action Plans to increase student engagement on campus:

  • Delta College-Best Action Plan, 2-year award
  • Grand Valley State University-Best Action Plan, 4-year award

The 2020 Michigan Collegiate Voting Challenge was carried out in collaboration with the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, a national nonpartisan nonprofit that works in partnership with numerous local and national nonpartisan organizations in the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition, which has more than 400 members. Institutions that participated in the 2020 Challenge were provided free guidance and tools to create an action plan for increasing student engagement on their campus.

View a complete list of the campuses participating in the 2020 Challenge. To learn more about the Michigan Collegiate Voting Challenge, visit, and to learn more about the ALL IN Challenge, visit
