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Bulletin Board Kits

Print a bulletin board kit to increase awareness about safe sleep, breastfeeding, smoking and vaccines. The kits can be printed, cut to fit and displayed in your office. If you have any questions about the bulletin board kits, email the Infant Safe Sleep Program at

Breastfeeding and Safe Sleep

Put up the bulletin board Breastfeeding and Safe Sleep: Both Work Together to Keep Your Baby Safe and Healthy! to increase client education and awareness on safe sleep and the protective factor of breastfeeding. The kits are available in English, Spanish, and Arabic.

Smoking and Safe Sleep

Put up the bulletin board Smoking and Infant Safe Sleep to increase client education and awareness of the impact of smoking on safe sleep and as well as increase knowledge of the benefits of keeping babies in a smoke-free environment.

Vaccines and Safe Sleep

Put up the bulletin board Safe Sleep and Vaccines to increase client education and awareness of how vaccines can reduce the risk of sleep-related infant death and address misconceptions that vaccines cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).