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MI Volunteer Registry

The Bureau of EMS, Trauma and Preparedness leads the coordination, planning, implementation, and recruitment efforts of the MI Volunteer Registry (MVR). The MVR is an internet-based system that conforms to the Office of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), Emergency System for Advanced Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP) national standards and definitions. The MVR is part of a national network of State based systems designed for the advanced registration and credential verification of volunteers needed to help augment patient care and surge capacity needs.

The MVR was originally designed primarily for health professionals with all skill levels and experiences. Initial recruitment and registration focused on physicians, nurses, behavioral health, and ancillary professionals. Since the initial launch, focus has expanded to include any type of individual willing to volunteer in a public health or medical event.

Volunteers may choose to register for one or more of twelve main organizations within the MVR. These organizations include: Community Emergency Response Team (CERT); Fire Corps; County Affiliated Volunteers; Medical Reserve Corps (MRC); Michigan Mortuary Response Team (MI-MORT); Michigan Transportable Emergency Surge Assistance (MI-TESA); Neighborhood Watch; Tribal Response Teams; or Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS).

The purpose of this system is to provide a secure, electronic environment for volunteers to indicate their interests and contact information. In the event of an accidental, natural, intentional, or other public health or medical emergency, the MVR functions as a central location for volunteer information. In an event, this information can be queried and appropriate volunteers contacted by e-mail.

The MVR is a place where volunteers can access important topical information regarding specific events, exercises and drills, or general knowledge and training.

Support to develop and create the MVR originates from a cooperative agreement with the ASPR, Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) and ESAR-VHP program. Funds have been used to develop, implement, and sustain the MVR. Volunteers, along with local and regional agencies, are able to use the system without direct cost to them.