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Washtenaw County

Washtenaw Child Advocacy Center - Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County

Organization/Agency Type: Nonprofit

Crime Type: Child abuse, Child sexual abuse

Primary Services: Children’s Advocacy Center, Victim services

Counties Served: Washtenaw

Phone: 734-971-9781 (Main office); 734-544-2925 (Children’s Advocacy Center)

Website: Washtenaw Child Advocacy Center - Catholic Social Services (



Common Ground

Organization/Agency Type: Nonprofit

Crime Type:  Human Trafficking

Primary Services: Victim services

Counties Served: Genesee, Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Washtenaw, Wayne

Phone: 248-451-2600

24-hour Crisis Line: 1-800-231-1127

Website: human trafficking | Common Ground (



SafeHouse Center

Organization/Agency Type: Nonprofit

Crime Type: Domestic violence, Sexual assault

Primary Services:  Victim services, Shelter/housing

Counties Served: Washtenaw

Phone: 734-973-0242

24-hour Crisis Line: 734-995-5444, Linea de Apoyo de 24 horas: 734-995-5444



Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office

Primary Services: General victimization, Prosecutor-based advocacy

Counties Served: Washtenaw

Phone: 734-222-6650






Equality Michigan

Organization/Agency Type: Nonprofit

Crime Type: Specified crime type(s)

Primary Services: Victim services, Culturally specific services

Counties Served: All

Phone: 313-537-7000




Michigan Advocacy Program

Organization/Agency Type: Nonprofit

Crime Type: Domestic violence, Elder abuse

Primary Services:  Legal assistance, Personal protection orders

Counties Served: All

Phone: 734-665-6181




Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Organization/Agency Type: Nonprofit

Crime Type: Specified crime type(s)

Primary Services:  Victim services

Counties Served: All

Phone: 248-528-1745

24-hour Crisis Line: 877-MADD-HELP (1-877-623-3435)



Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline

Organization/Agency Type: Nonprofit

Crime Type: Domestic violence

Primary Services: Victim services

Counties Served: All

24-hour Crisis Line (Call):  1-866-VOICEDV (864-2338)

24-hour Crisis Line (Text): 1-877-861-0222




Statewide Sexual Assault Hotline

Organization/Agency Type: Nonprofit

Crime Type: Sexual assault

Primary Services: Victim services

Counties Served: All

24-hour Crisis Line (Call)855-VOICES4 (855-864-2374)

24-hour Crisis Line (Text): 866-238-1454




StrongHearts Native Helpline

Organization/Agency Type: Nonprofit 

Crime Type:  Domestic Violence

Primary Services:  Culturally specific services, Victim services

Counties Served: All counties

24-hour Crisis Line: 1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483)
