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What is Crime Victim Compensation?

What is Crime Victim Compensation?

If you or someone you know is a victim of crime, certain expenses may qualify for Crime Victim Compensation coverage. This program may help pay out-of-pocket medical expenses, lost earnings, funeral bills, counseling, or other expenses for people who have been harmed as the direct result of a crime.

Crime Victim Compensation is the payer of last resort. This means that your private insurance or other public funds, if available, must be utilized first in order for you to be eligible for compensation.

Our Mission is to provide financial assistance to victims of crime with a victim-centered, equitable, and empathetic approach. You are not alone.

Woman talking on phone
Learn more about Michigan's Crime Victim Compensation program Video

Learn more about Michigan's Crime Victim Compensation program

Find information about costs that may be covered, who is eligible for help, crimes eligible for compensation, and how to apply.

Apply for compensation

Program Goals and History

Crime victim compensation is intended to help crime victims recover from financial losses resulting from their victimization. Michigan’s program began in 1977 and is funded through Michigan’s Crime Victim Rights Fund and the federal Victims of Crime Act Compensation Formula Grant Program, which disperses funds from the Crime Victims Fund to supplement a state’s efforts to financially assist and reimburse victims for crime-related, out-of-pocket expenses. Michigan became the 17th state to offer this program, which has been amended numerous times since it began to expand basic program eligibility and coverage for victims.

Application Process

Preparing your application
Depending on the type(s) of benefits you are applying for, different documentation will be required in addition to your completed application. Click here for a comprehensive list of documents that should be submitted based on benefit(s) you are requesting.

If you have questions about the application process or need assistance with your application, click here.

Applying for Compensation    Application Checklist

What to expect after you apply

After receiving an accepted application, an Acknowledgment of Claim letter will be sent to the victim explaining the process, requesting additional documentation if needed, and assigning them a claim number and Crime Victim Compensation (CVC) program analyst.

During the application review process, the CVC team will request a copy of the police report and send a Law Enforcement Verification form to the responding police agency for completion, both of which will be used to determine if your claim is eligible for compensation. If our team cannot obtain a copy of the police report, we may request your assistance in retrieving the police report.

Application review and decision process timeline
The time it takes to review applications and make a final decision about benefits depends on how accurate and complete the application is and how long it takes to gather any additional information to determine eligibility. All paperwork and records received by our office are reviewed by a CVC program analyst. This process can take one day up to six months.

Appeal Process

Within 30 days after receiving a decision about whether an application was accepted or denied, a victim or claimant may appeal the decision in writing to the Crime Victim Services Commission. An Evidentiary Hearing or Commission Review can be requested. Within 30 days after receiving the copy of the report containing the Commission’s final decision, the claimant may pursue a proceeding in the Court of Appeals to review the Commission’s decision.

Submitting an Appeal

You may submit an appeal via email, mail, or fax. You can also call the Crime Victim Compensation program staff with questions about the appeal process.

Victim-Only Toll-Free Helpline: 877-251-7373


Fax: 517-335-2439

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Victim Services
Crime Victim Services Commission
Grand Tower, Suite 1113
235 South Grand Avenue, PO Box 30037
Lansing, MI 48909

Questions? Contact Us!

If you have questions about the Crime Victim Compensation program or the application process, call or email the Crime Victim Compensation program for assistance. If you need help completing your application, contact your local county prosecutor. You can search for your local prosecutor by clicking here

Victims-Only Toll-Free Line

Office Line
