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Am I Eligible to Participate in MiPEHS?

You are eligible to participate if you:

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Currently live in the City of Parchment and Cooper Township study area (see map) and your Parchment or Cooper Township well or municipal water supply was a source of your drinking water between 2005 and 2018, OR...
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Currently live in the Belmont/Rockford study area(see map) and have had your private drinking well water tested by, or at the direction of, a State of Michigan agency, and that well was a source of your drinking water between 2005 and 2018, OR...
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 Are a current or former dependent of an adult that lives at an eligible household, and you drank that water from that home between 2005 and 2018.

How Do I Participate in MiPEHS?

Call 855-322-3037 to enroll or find out if you are eligible to join. You can also visit our Contact Us page to request a callback from the study team.