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Information for Health Care Providers

As a health care provider, you might be hearing from your patient(s) that participated in the MDHHS Michigan Chemical Exposure Monitoring (MiChEM) program. This program will help the MDHHS understand more about chemical exposures of Michigan residents.

Blood and urine samples from participants in MiChEM are being tested for 176 environmental chemicals. Participants also complete a survey that includes questions about the ways they might have come into contact with chemicals. Participants are given the option to receive their lab test results.

Your patient(s) may bring their results and this Health Care Provider Flyer to you for discussion.

Please visit the Environmental Health Education for Health Care Providers website for information and resources about the chemicals the MiChEM program is measuring.

The MiChEM program team is available to answer questions related to the MiChEM program results and environmental chemical exposures. Call 844-464-7327 or email

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If you have questions about the Michigan Chemical Exposure Monitoring (MiChEM) program, call 844-464-7327.