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Building Resilience at Local to National Levels

Local Initiatives Collaborating with MICHAP

Evaluation Assessments

Macomb County Health Department, Macomb, MI

The Public Health Institute funded Macomb County Health Department (MCHD) to assess the impacts of the 2014 historic rain event in Southeast Michigan as a learning collaborative. In 2019, MCHD and MICHAP analyzed the data from a survey conducted from 2016-2017 among homeowners who reported property damage to develop a report on the post-flood health effects and household emergency preparedness. Key results include:

  • Flooding from heavy rain had long lasting impacts on health and mental health status.
  • Low-income households and households with major damage experienced worse post-flood health impacts.
  • High-income households had more capacity for household emergency preparedness than low-income households.
  • Households with high emergency preparedness scores also had lower levels of mental health outcomes, but more research is needed to determine these differences.

The results were presented at the 2020 NACCHO 360 Conference as Evaluating Flood-Related Health Effects and Household Emergency Preparedness After a Flooding Event.

Health Impact Assessments

Ingham County Health Department, Lansing, MI
A Health Impact Assessment of Non-Motorized Improvements in East Lansing

City of Grand Rapids (Planning), Grand Rapids, MI
Michigan Street Corridor Plan: A Health Impact Assessment

City of Ann Arbor, Michigan
Expanding Urban Tree Canopy as a Community Health Climate Adaptation Strategy: A Health Impact Assessment of the Ann Arbor Urban Forest & Community Management Plan

Building Local Level Adaptive Capacity

Climate and Health Adaptation Guide for Michigan Communities: This guide is intended to help communities in Michigan and across the Great Lakes Region develop a climate and health adaptation plan or to integrate climate and health concepts into existing initiatives. Throughout the guide there are case studies and examples from the pilot of this process in Marquette, Michigan.

For a more in-depth look into the Marquette pilot, see below

Marquette Area Climate and Health Adaptation Guidebook:

Regional and Local Partners

National Initiatives, Research, and Guidance