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Lead Services Section

The Lead Services Section implements and oversees the programs that provide lead services to Michigan citizens. This includes home abatement, childhood blood lead testing, and additional services for children who have been identified with an elevated blood lead level. 

This section is home to the following units:

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

Angela Medina, Unit Manager – 517-897-5203 

The Michigan Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program was established in 1998 and has since grown into a unit made up of data analysts, nurses, and public health consultants. Every day, the unit work towards the vision of no child in Michigan suffering from lead poisoning, through surveillance, health services, and outreach.

Surveillance and data are a huge part of the unit’s activities. All blood lead test results completed in Michigan are required to be reported to the unit within 5 business days. The blood lead data is shared with a number of state programs for their use, including Michigan Care Improvement Registry, the Lead Safe Home Program, the MiTracking Program, Medicaid, the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, and the MDHHS Foster Care Program.

The biggest assets in the unit’s work to prevent lead poisoning across Michigan are the local health departments. Any time a child is identified as having an elevated blood lead level, the unit works with the local health departments to connect the child with resources like in-home nurse case management, environmental investigations and abatement services through the Lead Safe Home Program, and referrals to other health and human services programs. The unit has many outreach materials on topics including cleaning, blood lead testing, nutrition, and take-home lead. All the materials are available online at under the “Learn About Lead” tab. The unit also has available a “Lead Free Michigan” toolkit that includes the health education materials mentioned above.

Lead Data Unit

Sarah Williams, Unit Manager – 517-335-1103

The Lead Data Unit is responsible for maintaining the data systems within the Lead Services Section (LSS) and ensuring timely processing and reporting of blood lead test results. Weekly, staff collects and processes thousands of blood lead test results in order to report them to other programs, local health departments, and partner agencies who are responsible for following-up and providing services to children with elevated blood lead levels.

Currently, there are three data applications within LSS:

  • MICLPS: Collects and processes blood lead test results.
  • HHLPSS: Used by local health departments to notify them of children with elevated lead levels and to monitor case management activities.
  • MICLEAR: Used to track environmental activity and abatement work throughout the state.

The unit is working on projects to improve the quality of the blood lead data and improve the matching of results across MDHHS data systems within the Data Warehouse. Additionally, the unit is working on a new Case Management Module for the MICLEAR application that will put case management activities and the environmental activities within one system. This will allow better coordination of care, improve reporting, and allow improved services provided to families.

Local Lead Services and Development Unit

Courtney Wisinski, Unit Manager – 517-284-4825

The Local Lead Services and Development Unit focuses on:

  • Providing grant funds to support local lead hazard control programs.
  • Offering technical assistance to eight grantees.
  • Developing and implementing the LSS Residential Lead and Water Sampling Protocol.
  • Providing residential lead inspection services to communities with lead action level exceedances in their water supply.

Lead Safe Home Flint Unit

Chad Rhodes, Unit Manager – 517-599-6737

The Lead Safe Home Flint Unit performs lead inspections and lead abatement services for families that qualify for the Lead Safe Home Program in the Flint, MI area. This program makes homes lead safe for children and their families.

The unit’s intake coordinators process applications to the LSHP, schedule initial and final inspections, and write abatement plans (spec writing). They also work closely with the unit’s Regional Field Consultants (RFC) and Family Service Coordinators (FSC) who work in the field performing lead inspections, water testing, spec writing, contractor oversight, relocation, and project clearances.

The professionals who inspect and abate lead hazards are certified through the State of Michigan though the Lead Certification and Enforcement Unit.

Lead Safe Home Principal Unit

Sonya Frick, Unit Manager – 517-284-4790

The Lead Safe Home Principal Unit performs lead inspections and lead abatement services for families that qualify for the Lead Safe Home Program throughout the state of Michigan. This program makes homes lead safe for children and their families.

The unit’s intake coordinators process applications to the LSHP, schedule initial and final inspections, and write abatement plans (spec writing). They also work closely with the unit’s Regional Field Consultants (RFC) and Family Service Coordinators (FSC) who work in the field performing lead inspections, water testing, spec writing, contractor oversight, relocation, and project clearances.

The professionals who inspect and abate lead hazards are certified through the State of Michigan though the Lead Certification and Enforcement Unit.

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