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Biomonitoring, Epidemiology and Response Section

The Biomonitoring, Epidemiology and Response Section (BEaRS) collects and assesses exposure and biomonitoring data for the purpose of identifying human exposure to environmental chemicals. The section works together to design methods to collect and analyze data, as well as share findings that result from biomonitoring surveillance (like blood and urine samples) and other environmental epidemiology investigations.

The Biomonitoring, Epidemiology and Response Section is composed of three units:

Biomonitoring Logistics Unit

Annette Sokolnicki, Unit Manager – 517-284-1282

The Biomonitoring and Logistics Unit is responsible for coordinating and ensuring supplies, staffing and other logistical needs are met within BEaRS (and sometimes DEH) for biomonitoring surveillance and other environmental epidemiology investigations.

The unit manages the Mobile Lab for DEH, ensures it is staffed (e.g., drivers), and makes sure supplies, such as PPE, are available for projects.

Project Managers are embedded within this unit as well. BLU works very closely with different teams across DEH including epidemiologists, health educators, etc.

Exposure Epidemiology Unit

Bryce Spiker, Unit Manager 

The Exposure Epidemiology Unit is responsible for monitoring exposure to, and health effects associated with, chemicals in the environment, especially per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The unit is tasked with envisioning and developing large-scale surveillance and research projects to gather data on exposure to environmental contaminants among Michigan residents, with a particular focus on communities and populations impacted by PFAS contamination. The unit also provides epidemiological support as needed across and outside DEH. For example, the Exposure Epidemiology Unit has previously provided support to the Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) outbreak response in 2019 and Vaping Related Illness outbreak response in 2020. Various surveillance and research projects that are currently underway include:

The Exposure Epidemiology Unit also works hand-in-hand with the Biomonitoring and Logistics Unit and the Drinking Water and Environmental Sampling Unit to coordinate and implement survey data collection as well as biospecimen and water sample collection across multiple projects.

Rapid Epidemiology Deployment Unit

Patrick Hindman, Unit Manager

The Rapid Epidemiology Deployment (RED) Unit supports epidemiologic investigations, surveillance activities, and community response efforts across the State of Michigan.

A multifunctional team consisting of epidemiologists, industrial hygienists, analysts, and project coordinators, the RED Unit is comprised of professionals with a combination of specialties ready to deploy at any given moment. Each response brings unique challenges, so coordination across the Bureau and in conjunction with local health departments and community partners makes the RED Unit a highly collaborative team.

Examples of response work include:

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