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Young Adult


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Young Adult

Becoming an adult is difficult to navigate for anyone. When drugs and or alcohol are involved, it complicates things even more, causing possible life-long and life-threatening consequences.  Below are resources to help you with any questions you may have about drugs and alcohol use, their consequences and further help if you feel you need it.  

First Steps

How do I know if I have a problem with drugs or alcohol and need treatment? You don’t need to be physically addicted to a substance to need treatment. If substance use is causing negative effects in your life, it’s time to take a closer look.

Support Resources

  • The Association of Recovery Community Organizations RCO’s mobilize resources within and outside of the recovery community to increase the availability and quality of long-term recovery from substance use disorders.
  • Faces and Voices of Recovery Promoting resources to recover through advocacy, education and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery.
  • Young People in Recovery YPR’s mission is to provide the life skills and peer supports to help people recover from substance use disorder and reach their full potential.

Support Groups

  • Al-Anon is a mutual support program, offering meetings both in person and online, for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. By sharing common experiences and applying the Al-Anon principles, families and friends of individuals who struggle with alcoholism can bring positive changes to their individual situations, whether the individual admits the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
  • Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction. This program uses The Twelve Steps of Marijuana Anonymous and the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using marijuana.
  • Narcotics Anonymous The Narcotics Anonymous group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network for individuals with SUD who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle. The name, Narcotics Anonymous, is not meant to imply a focus on any particular drug; NA’s approach makes no distinction between drugs including alcohol.
  • Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) is a science-based mutual-support program to help people overcome addictions, offering meetings both in person and online. SMART empowers people to assume responsibility for their recovery using a 4-Point Program: 1. Building and Maintaining Motivation, 2. Coping with Urges, 3. Managing Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviors, and 4. Living a Balanced Life.
  • Women for Sobriety (WFS) is an organization, offering meetings both in person and online, whose purpose is to help all women find their individual path to recovery through discovery of self, gained by sharing experiences, hopes and encouragement with other women in similar circumstances.



Helpful Videos

Drugs: Shatter the Myths
Setting the record straight on common myths around drug use and addiction.  

Teen Brain Development
Hear the similarities between the processes of brain development and computer programming.