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Get Help Now
If you, a family member, or a friend needs treatment services for substance abuse, click above link for a local phone number to call for immediate assistance.

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Being a teenager is overwhelming, and you can feel like you are not in control of the things happening around or inside of you. When you use drugs or alcohol, although it may seem harmless at the time, you are possibly harming yourself, others and your future. Sometimes these consequences are short lived and sometimes they are permanent. 

Below are resources to help you with any questions you may have about drugs and alcohol use, their consequences and further help if you feel you need it.

First Steps

Support Resources

Support Groups

  • Alateen Young people aged 13 to 18 who have been affected by someone else’s drinking are invited to share experience, strength and hope with other teens: Includes chat, common questions, and ways to stay connected.
  • SMART Recovery Teen & Youth Support Program Attend topic-based teen and youth meetings, both in person and online, check out the message board for any questions, issues, or discussions, as well as tools for all stages of recovery.



Helpful Videos

Drugs: Shatter the Myths
Setting the record straight on common myths around drug use and addiction.  

Teen Brain Development 
Hear the similarities between the processes of brain development and computer programming.