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Charting the LifeCourse

What is Charting the LifeCourse

Charting the LifeCourse is a framework created to help individuals and families of all ages and all abilities develop a vision for a good life under the belief that all people have the right to live, love, work, play, and pursue their own goals.

CMHSPs can help individuals and families achieve their vision for a good, quality life using the LifeCourse framework to help plan for the present and the future.
Learn how Charting the LifeCourse can help individuals and families to achieve their vision for a good life.

Information and Resources

Charting the LifeCourse and Employment

The LifeCourse framework also includes resources specifically related to the transition from school to work. Charting the LifeCourse: Daily Life & Employment is a guide to help transition-age youth and their families figure out what daily life could look like after high school. The guide includes activities and resources to assist youth to consider jobs, careers, or continuing education as an adult. 

Learn more about the Charting the LifeCourse: Daily Life & Employment guide.