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Inclusive Employment

Loyal, hardworking employees are waiting just outside your doors. Inclusion starts with you. Watch the commercial at

All persons with disabilities in Michigan have the right to realize their fullest employment potential through the achievement of individual, competitive integrated employment at or above minimum wage.

There is a large untapped pool of Michigan workers who are, loyal, hardworking and highly motivated. They are people with I/DD, and they have the right to employment. In our society, a person’s profession/job is an important aspect of their identity. It is how many people become independent, build jobs skills, learn from others and feel valued, this is no different for people with I/DD.

What many business owners and hiring professionals don’t know is that some of the biggest benefits of hiring workers with disabilities go straight to them. Hiring employees with I/DD is great for business. Here’s why:

They’re dependable: Employers who have hired workers with disabilities report that they are typically more punctual and miss fewer days of work than non-disabled workers.  

They’re committed to their job: Workers with disabilities do not take their jobs for granted. 85% of people with developmental disabilities. They take great pride in their work and are loyal to their employers.  Turnover is lower than with non-disabled workers.

 They’re hard workers: Since they value their jobs, employees with I/DD work hard and productive, and their work skills continue to improve over time.

Your customers want you to: Consumers are looking for companies that care about people, the community, and social issues. In a national survey, 87% of those asked said they would prefer to give their business to companies that hire workers with disabilities.

Society greatly benefits when all members can participate to achieve their goals. Inclusive employment enriches local communities through a diverse workforce promotes economic growth and fosters innovation.


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