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Become a Medicaid Enrolled Doula

Pregnant Belly

Become a Medicaid Enrolled Doula

Become a Medicaid Enrolled Provider

Steps to Enroll as a Medicaid Provider
Doula providers seeking reimbursement for their professional services to Medicaid beneficiaries are required to be on the MDHHS Doula Registry and enroll as a Medicaid provider. 

Doulas interested in becoming Medicaid providers are encouraged to review the following resources:

Step 1:  Complete a MDHHS Doula Registry Application

Step 2:  Apply for a Type 1 (Individual) National Provider Identifier (NPI)

Step 3:  Register for SIGMA Vendor Self-Service (VSS)

Step 4:  Register for a MILogin Account for Access to Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System (CHAMPS)

Step 5: Complete an Application in CHAMPS

  • After enrolling in CHAMPS, a doula may provide services to fee-for-service ("straight Medicaid") clients. Fee-for-service is the term for Medicaid paid services that are not provided through a health plan. Doulas must submit fee-for-service claims through CHAMPS. 

Step 6:  Credential/Contract with a Medicaid Health Plan (MHP) 

  • Most Medicaid beneficiaries are enrolled in a Medicaid Health Plan (MHP). After enrolling in CHAMPS, doulas wishing to provide services to clients enrolled in a MHP must become contracted with some of or all of the MHPs in the doula’s geographic service area. 
  • Credentialing with Medicaid Health Plans is an extensive process and varies by plan; please note the process could take several months.
  • Once a doula is a contracted provider with an MHP, doulas must submit claims to the client’s MHP to receive reimbursement.
  • Each MHP has specific billing processes, please reach out to the individual MHP for guidance regarding billing processes. 
  • Medicaid Health Plan - Special Contact for Doulas
    • If, after communicating with the Medicaid Health Plan support team, a doula requires additional ‘doula specific’ assistance, please reach out to the Doula Special Project Contact on the list.

Medicaid Doula Provider Standards of Practice 

Please visit the Resources for Doulas section for billing information, guides, webinars & more. 

Please contact the MDHHS Doula Initiative at with any questions or inquiries.