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Cancer Genomics Epidemiology: Resource Archive

The older resources contained on this page are provided for historical reference. The most recent publications, webinars, posters, and presentations related to cancer genomics epidemiology in Michigan can be found on the Michigan Cancer Genomics Epidemiology home page. Additional information about cancer genomics work in Michigan can be found on the Michigan Cancer Genomics website.

If you are looking for specific cancer genomics surveillance data that you do not see on these pages, please contact Beth Anderson, MPH, at 517-335-9785 (e-mail:

Archived Surveillance Reports

Cancer Genomics in Michigan: Surveillance Report, 2012 (September 2012)

  1. BRCA 1/2 Surveillance in Michigan, 2008-2012PDF icon
  2. Gene Expression Profiling (GEP) for Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk Prediction, Surveillance in Michigan, 2008-2012PDF icon

Utilization of Michigan Cancer Genetics Services, 2007-2011: Findings from the BRCA Clinical Genetic Counseling Database (June 2012)

  1. IntroductionPDF icon
  2. Patient DemographicsPDF icon
  3. Referring ProviderPDF icon
  4. Age and Personal HistoryPDF icon
  5. Number of BRCA Tests Over TimePDF icon
  6. Patient Services Over TimePDF icon
  7. Test Results by Personal and Family HistoryPDF icon
  8. Characteristics of Patients TestedPDF icon

Archived Poster Presentations

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Last updated: 05/03/2022