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Participant Information
Why Should I become Certified in TB Testing?
Benefits of TST Certification
- You and your facility would be in compliance with CDC recommendations for TST certification.
- You could earn up to 4 continuing education hours.
- Certification lasts for 24 months.
- It looks great on your resume; many facilities in Michigan are now making TST training mandatory.
- By increasing your knowledge of TB and the TST, you will be more able to identify people with latent TB infection and refer them for evaluation and treatment as appropriate.
- You would join a group of highly-trained health-care professionals in the fight for TB elimination!
The “CDC Guidelines” are the 2005 MMWR publication titled ‘Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings, 2005,’ available here.
The following sections of the CDC guidelines support the MIOSHA/OSHA regulations and specify the knowledge and skills CDC considers essential for qualification to administer, read and interpret the TST:
- Suggested Components of an Initial TB Training and Education Program for HCWs (page 14)
- Training and Educating HCWs (page 27)
- QC Program for Techniques for TST Administration (page 47)
- Reading TST Results (page 47)
- QC for Administering TST by the Mantoux Method (page 48)
- Model TST Training Program (page 48).
Health care settings should be familiar with the MIOSHA/OSHA requirements for staff training and competencies, and how they would apply to a given setting. Thus, we strongly recommend our workshop as the standard for assuring staff are trained and competent to place and read the TST appropriately.
Before registering for a Workshop, please review the TST Candidate Guidelines.
TST Candidate Guidelines
The guidelines for TST Candidates have been determined by the Master Regional Trainers (MRTs), who review this listing annually.
Qualifications for TST Certification
- Be a health care worker who has experience with injections, universal precautions, sterile technique, and be responsible for assessing risk of TB at your facility;
- Have at least one of the following credentials issued from an accredited institution: MD, DO, DDS, DVM, PharmD, PharmBS, RPh, NP, PA, RN, BSN, MSN, LPN, EMT, EMT-P, CPhT, RMA, or CMA.
Medical Assistants will need to prove certification or registration from an accredited institution in order to attend a TST Workshop. If you are a CMA or RMA, immediately after you register for a TST Workshop, please scan and email a copy of your MA certification or registration to Please indicate the workshop ID#, date and instructor.
Participants must:
- Register for their Workshop using the Online Portal (Find a Workshop) prior to the start of the Workshop.
- Complete a post-Workshop survey to receive their certification card and be eligible for consideration of continuing education (CEs).
Certification Expiration and Recertification
- Participants must recertify every 24 months and are responsible to register to recertify prior to the expiration date on their certification card.
- Participants will receive reminder emails prior to expiration.
- Waivers may be considered in some situations, if the participant does not meet the qualifications to become TST certified.
- Effective July 2016: Medical Assistants (who are not CMAs or RMAs) will no longer be considered for waivers to be TST Certified.
- To apply for a waiver, individuals must send the following via email to
- Letter of request, on agency or company letterhead, justifying the need for the waiver
- Resume or CV of the individual requesting the waiver
- Written letter of support from company administration, supervisor and/or a current TST/TTT Instructor or MRT
Waiver requests are reviewed by the MDHHS TB Control Unit, and then sent to the MRT Board for final review. The majority of the MRT Board must vote to support or deny a waiver before a final decision is made.
TST Recertification Guidelines
Certification expires 24 months from the date of the course.
You will receive automated notices at 90, 60 and 30 days prior to expiration notifying you of your need to take a Workshop. To Recertify your TST certification you must meet the following criteria:
- Be eligible per TST Candidate Guidelines
- Register for and complete a TST Workshop
Continuing Education Information
The TST Certification Workshop offers Nursing contact hours and a Certificate of Attendance including contact hours for Medical Assistants and other Healthcare Professionals. All criterion must be met to be eligible, see information below.
Workshop Purpose
To provide the learner with current, evidence-based information on tuberculosis. To enhance the learners knowledge of tuberculosis and the tuberculosis skin test (TST). To allow the learner to demonstrate the correct method to place and read a TST.
Workshop Objectives
- Explain the appropriate next case management steps for a patient with positive TB skin test
- Identify the high-risk target groups for TB skin testing
- Identify methods used in the evaluation and identification of TB infection and TB disease
- Explain the difference between TB infection and TB disease
- Identify methods of TB pathogenesis
- Identify methods of TB transmission
- Demonstrate how to place, read and interpret the correct administration of the Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test
Criteria for Completion:
To obtain continuing education hours and TST certification the participant must:
- Be in attendance for the entire workshop if hybrid you must complete the MITrain portion and in person practicum
- Sign your name on the sign-in sheet clearly showing credentials and email address
- Complete the post-test with a passing score of 80% or greater
- Complete the practicum with a passing score of 87.5% or greater and show correct intradermal injection
Please Note: The certificate process can take up to 21 days. If you do not receive your certificate please send an email to Please include your full name, date of event, location of event, and instructor name.
No partial credit. No credit can be awarded retroactively.
Disclosure: There is no conflict of interest for anyone with the ability to control content for this activity.
Approved provider status does not imply endorsement of any product by MDHHS, ANCC, OBN, or Ohio Nurses Association of any products displayed in conjunction with an activity.
Nursing Contact Hour Designation
A total of 4.0 Nursing contact hours have been awarded for this activity.
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Ohio Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91)
To view the agenda please click here.
MITrain Tips and TricksThe online portion of the workshop takes three hours to complete.
*It is advised to complete the online portion at least a few days prior to practicum to give yourself enough time to complete the workshop and troubleshoot if needed.
- Optimal to view in one sitting.
- Have a strong internet connection.
- Clear cache and browser history.
- Allow pop-up messages (turn off pop up blockers).
Login to your MI-TRAIN account or create a MI-TRAIN account -
Once in MI-TRAIN search for “MDHHS: TB Testing Workshop 2023-2024”
- Launch the workshop and take pretest then you will enter the content slides recording and video.
- Using back arrows in the training will bring you back to the beginning of module you are viewing.
- You must watch the entire training (narrated PowerPoint slides recording and video) and complete knowledge checks throughout to get to the posttest.
Troubleshooting tips:
If you need to leave the training, click “yes” to the pop up “save where you left off”.
- If you leave during either the power point narration or the video it will likely bring you back to the beginning of that module and you will need to rewatch a portion you already viewed.
If at a point the training brings you back to the beginning and you still need to complete more viewing to get to the posttest here are some tips:
- If a pop up appears and asks you to save, select yes.
- Try refreshing the page.
- Log out and back into MITRAIN – this may still bring you back to the beginning.
- Still having trouble? Try again the next day.
- After trying these tips and you are still having trouble you can reach out to Please try these tips first.