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General Resources

Resources for Health Care Professionals

  • Find TB Resources: This website, organized by the CDC, has a comprehensive collection of online resources, training, and educational materials. The website is intended for use by health care professionals, patients, and the general public interested in TB.
  • TB Centers of Excellence for Training, Education, and Medical Consultation (COE): COEs are responsible for developing TB education materials, providing training and technical assistance to increase human resource development for TB Programs, and providing medical consultation. Resources include printed materials, audiotape, videotape, CD-based tools, and MP3 files. The four COEs are:
  1. Curry International Tuberculosis Center
  2. Mayo Clinic Center for Tuberculosis
  3. Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center
  4. Rutgers Global Tuberculosis Institute (Michigan's)
  • Below are some of our translated materials available for you to share with your patients. You can also review ourmultilingual resources page for additional resources or contact us if you can't find what you are looking for.
  • What You Need to Know About Tuberculosis: a TB patient education resource developed by Rutgers GTBI for TB program staff who provide patient education. This resource is a flipbook that has sections on TB testing, TB infection, and TB disease. Also available in Spanish

Resources for Local Health Departments


  • Telephonic interpreting is available through the TB program to local public health departments in Michigan. Please review the instructions and available languages

Contact Investigations