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Mpox Resources for Health Care Professionals

Handout for those exposed – give to confirmed mpox cases to share with close contacts

MDHHS Communicable Disease Information and Resources

Integrating Mpox Vaccination, Testing and Treatment Into Sexual Health and HIV Clinical Care

Veterinary Guidance for Mpox

For more information or for questions, please contact your local health department. If you need additional information, contact MDHHS Communicable Disease at 517-335-8165.

Clinical Guidance

Clinical Treatment of Mpox

CDC Updates about Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment

Considerations for Mpox Vaccination

JYNNEOS Intradermal Injection Final 

JYNNEOS Operational Guide Updated 11-2-2022

JYNNEOS Vaccine Resource Guide


Tecovirimat, or TPOXX, can be prescribed for people experiencing severe mpox and anyone severely immunocompromised.

Providers with patients who meet EA-IND eligibility for tecovirimat treatment for mpox should contact their state, local, or territorial health departments to see if any previously deployed tecovirimat supply remains available within their jurisdiction. Previously deployed supply of tecovirimat that still remains within expiry may be used for patients who meet EA-IND eligibility criteria. If there is no local supply, state, local, or territorial health departments should request tecovirimat on providers' behalf by calling the CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at (770) 488-7100 or emailing

  • Although the effectiveness of tecovirimat (TPOXX) in treating humans with NVOPXV infections, including mpox, has not yet been established, tecovirimat has been shown to be effective in multiple animal challenge models.
  • Eligibility for TPOXX under the ED-IND include the following (additional details can be found in the EA-IND).
    • Patients with laboratory-confirmed or suspected mpox who meet this criteria:
      • Patients with severely immunocompromised condition(s).
      • Persons with active skin conditions.
      • Pregnant or lactating persons.
      • Children (<18 years of age).
      • Patients with life-threatening symptoms of mpox infection.

Mpox Program Provider Guidance

MDHHS Mpox Program Provider Addendum Updated 12-19-2022

HHS/CDC Mpox Program Provider Agreement 

Mpox Vaccine and Therapeutics Provider Considerations for Approval Updated 10-25-2022


JYNNEOS Vaccine Update - August 26, 2022


MDHHS BOL Testing Basics

Test Requisitions

Increased Commercial Laboratory Capacity for Mpox

MDHHS Bureau of Laboratories (BOL) has the capability to test for orthopoxvirus as the first step in identifying mpox infection. As the need for testing increases, MDHHS is asking that health care providers consider utilizing recently onboarded commercial laboratories to expand testing capacity. This will increase accessibility for patients and health care providers and prevent delays in turnaround times. On June 22, 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that Mpox testing capacity would be expanded to five commercial laboratory companies. Currently, the laboratories that can perform orthopoxvirus testing include Aegis Science, Labcorp, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, and Sonic Healthcare. Onboarding of new laboratories is an evolving environment—check here for any new labs added: What’s New & Updated | Mpox | CDC.

MDHHS has ensured that positive results from MDHHS BOL and the commercial laboratories will be reported into the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS) via electronic laboratory reporting (ELR). Mpox cases in the MDSS are currently being classified as an “Unusual Outbreak or Occurrence” until a mpox disease-specific form is finalized.

CDC Preparation and Collection of Specimens
Guidelines for Collecting and Handling Specimens for Mpox Testing


  • Instructions for specimen collection are found in Investigation of Suspect Cases of Mpox.
  • Please collect a maximum of six swabs (two swabs from each of three sites), preferably lesions that are vesicles, pustules, or scabs. A single site or two sites is preferred.
  • Providers may want to continue to consider testing at MDHHS BOL for individuals who are uninsured/underinsured where commercial testing cost may be a burden.  


May 20, 2022 HAN

June 14, 2022 HAN