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Training & Events

HIV and STI Training Services in Michigan are coordinated through the Bureau of HIV and STI Programs (BHSP) in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).

BHSP focuses on HIV and STI prevention and care related activities, including: HIV and STI testing for individuals; linking individuals who test positive for HIV and STIs to medical care; helping individuals remain HIV and STI negative; working with individuals who may be at increased likelihood for exposure to HIV and STIs; and offering training and certification to HIV Prevention Test Counselors throughout Michigan.

Training opportunities are related to HIV care, prevention, Partner Services, and other topics of interest. Information about upcoming HIV and STI related events as well as additional training and educational opportunities including various recorded trainings are also available.

Should you have additional questions, please contact the Training Unit at

2025 Training Opportunities

Please view the 2025 Training Calendar to see the training opportunities that are currently available. Most 2025 trainings are virtual and free of charge, but registration is required.

Registering for Trainings

Trainings must be registered for in advance through SHOARS. Registration for each training will open on the date listed in the Training Calendar.

For information about SHOARS including how to create an account and register for trainings, visit: If there are any questions or concerns regarding this process, reach out to

Counseling, Testing, and Referrals (CTR) Training Series Update

The Counseling, Testing, and Referrals (CTR) training series is a four-module series with two self-paced trainings, one virtual training, and one in-person training.

For descriptions of the updated CTR training series, see the CTR Training Series Overview.

For detailed instructions on how to complete the updated CTR training series, see the CTR Training Series Guide.

HIV Training Calendar

Training Pre-requisites

Counseling, Testing, and Referrals (CTR) trainings, Case Management (CM) trainings, and Partner Services (PS) Certification training have pre-requisites that must be completed prior to attending the training.


If you have questions regarding the Counseling, Testing, and Referrals (CTR) or Case Management (CM) training series, see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

On-Demand Trainings

Counseling, Testing, and Referrals (CTR) Module 1: HIV Basic Knowledge Training

Counseling, Testing, and Referrals (CTR) Module 1 training covers the immune system, basics of HIV/AIDS, HIV transmission, and the history and impact of HIV. Additionally, Module 1 will discuss HIV and the intersection of bias, social determinants of health, health equity, and more. Participants will learn about programs and services related to HIV prevention and care, including MDHHS resources, and briefly overview of legislation related to HIV.

Counseling, Testing, and Referrals (CTR) Module 2: HIV Prevention Specialist Training

Counseling, Testing, and Referrals (CTR) Module 2 training is designed to provide participants with an overview of the HIV test counseling process, HIV/STI laws, and HIV testing standards. Additionally, participants will learn about HIV prevention, including injection drug use and syringe access programs, Undetectable=Untransmittable (U=U), pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), and barrier methods (condoms). Furthermore, HIV prevention counseling standards, concepts, and skills will be examined using a client-centered framework. Upon completion of the module, participants should be able to facilitate client-centered prevention counseling.

Case Management (CM) Part 2 Training: Case Management Resources

Case Management (CM) Part 2 training will cover basic information about HIV medications and medication adherence for case managers, including HIV treatment, barriers to treatment, and resistance to HIV medication. This training will also cover the necessary resources to help meet their clients’ needs. This includes overviews of and instructions for the Michigan Drug Assistance Program (MIDAP), Michigan Dental Program (MDP), Premium Assistance (PA), Insurance Assistance Program (IAP) and Human Services, Affordable Care Act (ACA), Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and Health Insurance Cost Sharing Assistance (HIPCA).

Early Intervention Services (EIS) Training

Early Intervention Services (EIS) training will provide an overview of EIS and go into depth about the State of Michigan Standards of Care for EIS workers, linkage, and outreach strategies. In addition, this training will cover necessary resources for Early Intervention Specialists to help meet the needs of their consumers.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Training Series

The Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) training series is a self-guided webinar series designed to share the most recent information about common STIs including perinatal hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. Courses discuss taking a thorough sexual history, symptomology of infections, and how to treat depending on patient needs.

Re-certification Requirements and HIV Training Update Documentation

The process for requesting and renewing HIV Test Counselor ID numbers has been updated as of 2024. All requests and renewals of ID numbers are now completed via SHOARS: How to Request or Renew a Test Counselor ID in SHOARS

Continuing Education (CE) Purpose, Objectives, and Disclosures (POD) Documents


Additional Training and Educational Opportunities

  • Various trainings are recorded and available to watch online. To view past trainings, visit: BHSP Recorded Trainings.

    • Diabetes and HIV Training: Bridging the Knowledge Gap
      While diabetes prevalence exceeds 37 million people in the United States and over 1 million in Michigan, people living with HIV are not always recognized as a population that has increased risk factors. As treatments for HIV have evolved over the years and people with HIV are living longer, the risks for diabetes and other chronic diseases are increasing as this population ages. While people with HIV mainly receive care in clinics delivered by infectious disease providers, clients are not always willing to seek additional care with primary care providers and/or specialists. Therefore, it is even more important that medical professionals and support staff continue to keep up to date on diabetes standards of care, strive to provide the best care for their clients with HIV and other conditions, and make necessary referrals as needed. This training was held August 22, 2023. No continuing education is provided for on-demand viewing.
  • The Consumer Quality Management Training is for any interested person who wants to learn basic, fundamental quality management information. The information in the training will help the participant feel more knowledgeable and equipped for quality management activities and meetings at their agency, community, or state level.

    • Gender Affirming Care - The Ruth Ellis Center
      This video is a part of a session on Gender Affirming Care in the Incorporating Diverse SOGIE into Your Work training series. The Ruth Ellis Center connects youth and their families' lived experience, direct practice, research, policy and regulations to the development of this curriculum. Sessions highlight best practices for serving LGBTQ+ youth and their families when navigating different systems of care. The Gender Affirming Care session provides an overview of gender affirming care and transitioning (socially, medically, and legally). These practices serve to increase safety, access to resources, and mental/emotional well-being for gender diverse people. The interviews in this video provide a firsthand account of different individuals’ transitioning journey and moving stories on the impacts of accessing gender affirming services. 
    • Antiretroviral Therapy (1:21:26)
      (Presentation by Jonathan Cohn, MD, Wayne State University)
      Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the use of HIV medicines to treat infection. ART is recommended for everyone infected with HIV, not only for their own health, but also to reduce the risk of transmission to others. This video provides an introduction to the use of antiretroviral medications.
    • Guidelines for Michigan Clinicians: Non-Occupational HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis and Testing/Reporting Perinatal HIV, Syphilis and HBV (42:24)
      (Presentation by Mary Rose Forsyth, MSN, WHNP-BC, MATEC Michigan)
      Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a way to prevent HIV infection after a possible recent exposure. It involves taking HIV medications as soon as possible after a single high-risk event to stop HIV from making copies of itself. This video describes Michigan's guidelines for PEP following high-risk exposures, such as unprotected sex with a known, or likely, HIV-positive partner; sharing injecting drug use equipment; or sexual assault.
      Prenatal infectious diseases are a major cause of mortality and morbidity among newborns, but many are preventable with proper maternal screening and treatment. This video details Michigan's guidelines for the diagnosis and management of HIV, syphilis and HBV in pregnant women, and describes initial management strategies for newborns exposed to these infections in perinatal period.
    • HIV and Adult Primary Care (1:08:56)
      (Presentation by Jonathan Cohn, MD, Wayne State University)
      With today's improved treatment modalities, the life expectancy for a person who is receiving effective medical care for his or her HIV infection is similar to that of the general population. This video highlights several ways primary care providers can participate in the National AIDS Strategy to reduce new HIV infections, improve health outcomes, and achieve a more coordinated national response to the HIV epidemic.
    • STD Modules for Clinicians (National STD Curriculum) The National STD Curriculum Self-Study STD Modules include seven web-based educational courses, each focusing on a specific STI topic.

    Intended Audience: Clinicians, STI clinic staff, and anyone who desires to learn about STI diagnosis and management.

    Pre-requisites: None

    How to access Modules: To get started, register on the National STD Curriculum website and then proceed to a module.

    • Presumptive Diagnosis and Treatment of Common STIs
      Slides from Oct. 28, 2020 webinar, jointly presented by the New York City STD/HIV Prevention Training Center at Columbia University and the MDHHS Division of HIV & STI Programs, on presumptive diagnosis and treatment of common STIs. Topics include test kit shortage, presumptive diagnosis, and expanded use of expedited partner therapy.
    • Providing STD Services in the Era of COVID
      Slides from 2020 webinar by Natalie Neu, MD, MPH, medical director of the New York City STD/HIV Prevention Training Center at Columbia University, on providing STI services in the era of COVID-19.
    • Innovative STD Prevention and Treatment Strategies
      Featuring the work of Strengthening STD Prevention and Control for Health Departments (STD PCHD) grantees, this Association of State and Territorial Health Officials course translates successful interventions into accessible and easily understood tools, including strategies and resources to address the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections. (2020).