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STI Information for Providers, Local Health Departments and Other Organizations

STI Case Reporting and Data Staff

The Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) that oversee sexually transmitted infection (STI) case reporting and data functions are part of the HIV/STI Client, Partner and Community Outreach Section within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Bureau of HIV and STI Programs and are located throughout Michigan. Their responsibilities are divided by geographical coverage areas of the state.

STI Clinical Service Locations

  • STI Clinical Service Locations
    This list provides information on local health departments that offer STI clinical services, as well as organizations that offer STI specialty services.

Other Resources

STI Case Reporting

  • Disseminated Gonococcal Infection Case Report Form
    Local health departments should complete this form when following up on a reported case of Disseminated Gonococcal Infection (DGI) in MDSS. Please update the form with available information from the provider and patient. Attach the completed form to the Patient 'Notes' tab in MDSS. Contact Jim Kent at with questions about DGI and reporting.

340B STI Drug Reporting Requirements

The 340B STI Drug Reporting Requirements tracking protocol for all 340B STI Drug Covered Entities helps ensure compliance with the 340B Drug Pricing Program. Below are the training materials for the tracking process, the template for the tracking tool, and links to national programs to inform our partners of the compliance standards.

Michigan 340B Program Resources

MDHHS SGRX 340B Flex Application Training
MDHHS Bureau of HIV and STI Programs hosted a training for the new SGRX 340B Flex Application database, which is an integrated process that includes order entry, inventory management, reporting and alerts about expiring medication. The new application database will be effective October 01, 2021. This training is essential to all local health departments.

MDHHS SGRX 340B Flex Application Q & A Session
MDHHS Bureau of HIV and STI Programs hosted a questions and answers session on October 20, 2021 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the new SGRX 340B Flex Application database. This additional training session was to offer all local health departments a chance to ask questions, get a refresher and to provide tips on how to complete tasks.

MDHHS SGRX 340B Flex Application - Submitting Quarterly Agency Tracking Log
MDHHS Bureau of HIV and STI Programs training for submitting tracking logs through the SGRX 340B Flex Application.

STI 340B Program Webinars

  • 2024 MDHHS Webinar: STI 340B Program Recertification and Updates
    MDHHS Bureau of HIV and STI Programs (BHSP) hosted a webinar training on May 13 and May 14 for the upcoming 340B recertification. This webinar includes updates and user enhancements for the 340B Flex Application and other MDHHS BHSP 340B STI Program updates. As a requirement for continued enrollment in the 340B Program, at least one designee was needed from each organization to attend one of these webinars. This training is essential to all local health departments. 
National 340B Program Resources

STI/HIV Billing Toolkit

Michigan-based STI/HIV clinics and organizations can use this toolkit to determine whether to bill. It also can be used to set up and maintain a billing infrastructure and to enhance the potential for revenue generation to sustain services. 

Billing Toolkit

STI Screening Guidance

Non-Genital Screening for Chlamydia (CT) and Gonorrhea (GC) in Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) (MDHHS, 2017)
This fact sheet from the MDHHS STI/HIV Prevention Training Center provides information about the reasons for rectal and pharyngeal CT/GC testing, the benefits of nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) for screening and diagnosis of CT/GC infections, and a summary of current CT/GC screening recommendations for sexually active, asymptomatic men who have sex with men.

Syphilis Testing Reference Guide (MDHHS, 2019)
Brief, clinical guidance for syphilis testing.

STD Screening Guidelines (New York City STD Prevention Training Center, 2022)

STI Treatment Guidance

Update to CDC's Treatment Guidelines for Gonococcal Infection 2020 (CDC, December 18, 2020)
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on updated treatment guidelines for gonococcal infection.

Updated Treatment Recommendations for Gonococcal Infection Health Alert Dec. 21, 2020 (MDHHS)
Health alert regarding the update to treatment recommendations for gonococcal infection.

2021 Sexually Transmitted Infections Treatment Guidelines (CDC)
Physicians and other health care providers can use these guidelines to assist in prevention and treatment of STIs. The new guidelines include notable updates from the previous 2015 guidance, including:

  • updated treatment recommendations for chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and pelvic inflammatory disease;
  • updated treatment recommendations for uncomplicated gonorrhea in neonates, children, and other specific clinical situations (e.g., proctitis, epididymitis, sexual assault), which builds on broader treatment changes published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report;
  • information on FDA-cleared diagnostic tests for Mycoplasma genitalium and rectal and pharyngeal chlamydia and gonorrhea;
  • expanded risk factors for syphilis testing among pregnant patients;
  • recommended two-step serologic testing for diagnosing genital herpes simplex virus;
  • harmonized recommendations for human papillomavirus vaccination with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; and
  • recommended universal hepatitis C testing in alignment with CDC's 2020 hepatitis C testing recommendations.

STI Treatment Guidelines Table For Adults & Adolescents (New York City STD Prevention Training Center, 2022)

STI Program Management & Evaluation

STI Program Management & Evaluation (CDC)

MDHHS STI Outbreak Response Plan (rev. December 2019)

STI Educational Materials

Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Trichomoniasis Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT)

Michigan Public Act 525 of 2014 (MCL 333.5110) authorized the use of expedited partner therapy (EPT) for certain sexually transmitted infections as designated by the state health department. In April 2020, MDHHS designated chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis as infections for which the use of EPT is appropriate.

Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea

Drug resistance is the ability of bacteria to resist the effects of the drugs used to treat them. This means the bacteria are no longer killed by a drug that used to kill them before, and the bacteria are then free to keep multiplying. Gonorrhea has developed resistance to nearly all the antibiotics used for its treatment. We are currently down to one last recommended and effective class of antibiotics (cephalosporins) to treat this common infection. This is an urgent public health threat, because gonorrhea control in the United States largely relies on our ability to successfully treat the infection. (CDC)

Additional National Resources