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Link-Up Michigan

The mission of Link-Up Michigan is to help every person with HIV in Michigan get the medical and social support they need to achieve viral suppression and live a happy and healthy life. 

Link-Up Michigan is a Data to Care strategy. Learn more about Data to Care strategies.

Link-Up Michigan connects Michigan residents who are living with HIV but are not currently accessing HIV/AIDS care to both medical and non-medical services. Link-Up Michigan provides each individual with short-term, intensive support through referrals to existing community support programs. Link-Up Michigan also assists in engagement with an HIV medical provider. Link-Up Michigan services are free, confidential, and voluntary.


Are you:

  • Living with HIV?
  • A Michigan resident?
  • Not currently receiving HIV medical care?

If you answered "yes" to all three of those questions, you are eligible for the Link-Up Michigan program.

Connect with Link-Up Michigan

Contact Us

Phone: 517-899-6084

Link-Up Michigan Program
c/o HIV Care Section
Division of HIV/STI Programs, Client, and Partner Services  
Bureau of HIV and STI Programs
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
P.O. Box 30727
Lansing, MI 48909

Insurance Resources for People with HIV

Insurance and the cost of medical care should not stop you from seeing the doctor and receiving medications. We are committed to ensuring that people with HIV have the resources and knowledge they need to make medical care affordable.

For questions about insurance and insurance resources, please call the Michigan Drug Assistance Program (MIDAP) at 888-826-6565.

  • Ryan White is the nation's safety net for people with HIV. It covers the cost of HIV medical care (doctor's visits and labs) and treatment (medication co-pays) for those without health insurance. It also can assist when insurance does not cover the full cost.

    Many community organizations and doctor's offices around Michigan offer Ryan White services and can help you get medical care.

  • The Michigan Drug Assistance Program (MIDAP) provides prescription medication and vaccine copay/coinsurance coverage for qualifying Michigan residents with HIV. MIDAP helps cover the cost of certain U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved prescription medications and vaccines for qualifying people with HIV. ALL other copays/coinsurance, such as medical visit copays and other medically related services, are the member's responsibility.

    In order to be eligible for MIDAP, an individual must:

    • Provide proof of HIV Status.
    • Be a resident of the State of Michigan.
    • Have a gross income between 138%-500% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).*
    • Not be eligible for any other program. MIDAP is the payer of last resort.

    *Your income will be evaluated based upon the Federal Poverty Guidelines in effect when MIDAP receives your completed application. Income is based includes earned income and/or unearned income (e.g., employment income, self-employment income, Supplemental Security Income). To find out how your income compares with the Federal Poverty Level, please use the Federal Poverty Level Calculator.

    For more information about MIDAP including how to apply, please visit Michigan Drug Assistance Program.

  • The Premium Assistance Program (PA) helps Michigan Drug Assistance Program (MIDAP) members cover costs associated with their health insurance policy, including copayments, deductibles, coinsurance and/or premiums and maintain health insurance coverage.

    Three types of premium assistance are available:

    • COBRA Premium Assistance.
    • Medicare Part C (Advantage Plan) and Medicare Part D (Prescription Plan).
    • Qualified Health Plan Assistance.

    In order to be eligible for premium assistance, a client must first be eligible, approved and active with MIDAP.

    For assistance with paying premiums, you can sign up for Premium Assistance within the MIDAP Online Application.

    For more information about Premium Assistance and further resources, please visit Premium Assistance Program.

  • The Insurance Assistance Program (IAP) helps people with HIV maintain and continue their health insurance benefits while they are facing financial difficulty due to their specific illness. The IAP pays health insurance premiums for eligible individuals.

    To qualify for MIDAP insurance assistance, you must have private health insurance. All medical services other than emergencies must be provided in Michigan.

    You also:

    • Must be living with HIV and meet at least one of the following criteria:
      • You currently are too ill to work in your current job, or
      • There is a substantial likelihood you will become too ill to work within the next three months (as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner), or
      • You currently are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
    • Must be a Michigan resident.
    • Must have a gross monthly income that is less than, or equal to, 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.*
    • Must not have more than $10,000 in cash/liquid assets and provide proof of assets.
    • Must not be eligible for any employer-sponsored health insurance, other than your current policy.
    • May be eligible and/or receiving Medicaid and/or Medicare.
    • May be eligible if you have a Medicare Part D or Medigap policy.

    For more information about the Insurance Assistance Program and further resources, please visit Insurance Assistance Program.

  • Medicare is a health insurance program for individuals age 65 or older, individuals under 65 with certain disabilities, and individuals of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD - permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant).

    The Michigan Drug Assistance Program (MIDAP) can assist with Medicare Part C (Advantage Plans) and Medicare Part D (Prescription Plans) premiums, coinsurances, copays, and deductibles.

    Medicare Open Enrollment is a time when individuals can review and compare benefits between plans on the market and choose the coverage that best fits their needs. MIDAP currently pays premiums for Medicare Part C (Advantage Plans) and Medicare Part D (Prescription Plans).

    To enroll in a Medicare Part C (Advantage Plans) or Medicare Part D (Prescription Plans) plan, visit

  • The Affordable Care Act Insurance Marketplace is for individuals age 18-64 years with an income of 133 percent to 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). With an income in this range, you may qualify for cheaper healthcare coverage.

    The Michigan Drug Assistance Program (MIDAP) can also assist with health insurance premiums, coinsurances, copays, and deductibles.

    ACA Open Enrollment is a time when individuals can review, compare and update plans on the Marketplace. MIDAP currently covers Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans. However, Catastrophic Plans are not covered. To enroll in an ACA plan, visit

    Special Enrollment Period (SEP)

    You may qualify for a special enrollment period if you have a major life event during the year. Major life events include things like losing your job, marriage, divorce, birth of a child, etc. For more information of qualifying life events, visit Information on Special Enrollment Period.

  • Health Insurance Premium Cost-Sharing Assistance (HIPCA) offers financial assistance for qualifying individuals to help pay for insurance premiums, co-pays, coinsurance, or laboratory bills.

  • Medicaid is made up of various insurance plans that can cover low-income adults plus children and pregnant women.

    The Healthy Michigan Plan is for people age 19-64 years, with an income at or below 133 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).

    You can apply for Medicaid online at MI Bridges or by calling the MI Bridges Help Desk at 844-464-3447.

  • MI Health Link is a health care option for Michigan adults, ages 21 or older, who are enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid, and who live in the counties of Barry, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, Macomb, St. Joseph, Van Buren, Wayne, or any county in the Upper Peninsula.