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Michigan Harm Reduction Summit

Harm Reduction Summit 2025

2025 Michigan Harm Reduction Summit

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Harm Reduction and Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Epidemiology Units are excited to announce the 2025 in-person Harm Reduction Summit. 

June 17-18, 2025
Lansing Center, Lansing, MI

This summit brings together all public health, public safety, nurses, physicians, social workers, community health workers, therapists, health educators, professionals working in the substance use space, as well as people with lived and living experience are encouraged to attend. 

Continuing Education: Currently seeking continuing education for Nursing, Michigan Social Work, Michigan Addiction Professionals (MCBAP), Health Educators (CHES), and Michigan Community Health Workers (CHW).  

Details on the summit agenda, registration, and hoteling will be updated as they become available.

Questions? Contact the MDHHS Harm Reduction and Viral Hepatitis Prevention Unit at

2024 Michigan Harm Reduction Summit - Would like to extend a 'Thank You!' to planning committee members, speakers, and attendees!!! 

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services' 2024 Michigan Harm Reduction Summit was a one day in-person event held in Lansing on June 12th, 2024.  

Target Audience: All public health, public safety, nurses, physicians, social workers, community health workers, therapists, health educators, people with lived and living experience, as well as professionals working in the substance use space are encouraged to attend.

Continuing Education: Currently seeking continuing education for Nursing, Michigan Social Work, Michigan Addiction Professionals (MCBAP), Health Educators (CHES), and Michigan Community Health Workers (CHW).  

Post Summit Evaluation link - you must complete a post-summit evaluation to receive CE's. Please make sure you complete all required fields prior to submitting.


2023 Michigan Harm Reduction Summit

2023 Harm Reduction Summit banner

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services was proud to welcome over 400 attendees both virtually and in-person at the Lansing Center May 16-17, 2023. Attendees had the opportunity to network and tour four syringe services program mobile units from the Grand Rapids Red Project, ACCESS, Chippewa County Health Department, and HARM:LESS. 

Summit Recordings:
Welcome Smudging and Drum Ceremony

U.S. Housing System – Addressing Stigma and Harmful Policies

Age and Generational Trauma

Maternal Harm Reduction 

Presentation Slides:

HIV Dual Rapid Testing - Vishal Kinkhabwala and Bryana Fryczynski

Hepatitis C Rapid Testing - Zekiye Lukco, Teresa Juridico, Lauren Hodson

Decentering Whiteness: An Equity-Based Approach - Teresa Springer

Harm Reduction 101 - David Clayton and Amanda Scott

Integration of Harm Reduction into Michigan's Opioid Policy - Brandon Hool

Boundaries and Self Care - Teresa Springer

Trauma, Childhood Trauma, and Substance Use - Dr. Britne Amos



2022 Virtual Michigan Harm Reduction Summit

The 2022 Virtual Michigan Harm Reduction Summit was held from May 17 - May 19, 2022. 

Summit Recordings:

PowerPoint Slides:

2021 Virtual Michigan Harm Reduction Summit

2021 Michigan Harm Reduction Summit banner

Supplemental Materials:

2020 Virtual Michigan Harm Reduction Summit

2020 Virtual Michigan Harm Reduction Summit banner

PowerPoint Slides and Supplemental Materials:

2019 Michigan Harm Reduction Summit
2019 Michigan Harm Reduction Summit Logo

Harm Reduction Summit Mobile Tours The MDHHS Viral Hepatitis Unit hosted its first-ever 2019 Michigan Harm Reduction Summit at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Lansing on April 2, 2019. Approximately 300 professionals from across Michigan gathered to learn strategies for curbing the opioid epidemic. There was a diverse representation of summit attendees, including state and local health departments, public safety, health centers and medical professionals, universities, community-based organizations, community mental health, and more.

Topics included syringe access 101, best practices for syringe services program implementation, harm reduction strategies for reducing the transmission of infectious diseases related to injection drug use, overdose prevention, naloxone distribution, and stigma and cultural competency.

Attendees had the opportunity to network and tour two syringe service program mobile units from the Grand Rapids Red Project and Chippewa County Health Department's Safe X-Change Program. 

Summit Handouts
