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Tools for Healthcare Providers

Order Free Patient Education Materials from MDHHS

white drawing of medical symbol against blue backgroundUse this online order form to request brochures, bookmarks, wallet cards, and other MDHHS Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Unit educational materials for patients and primary care providers.
All materials are provided free of charge to Michigan residents (shipping included). Quantities of up to 100 per item may be requested.
For more information about available materials, contact Sonia Villarreal at 517-749-7123 (e-mail:

  • Healthy Michigan: Tools for Healthcare Professionals

    Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in promoting messages of moving more, eating better, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight. This page, part of the Healthy Michigan website, provides a host of governmental and organizational resources healthcare providers and other professionals can use in their efforts to educate, treat and assess the health of Michigan citizens.

    The Michigan Breastfeeding Network (MIBFN)

    The MIBFN collaborates with organizations and individuals to bring about actionable, system-level changes that are centered on the diverse experiences of Michigan families with young children. Please visit MIBFN for resources and information to support breastfeeding in Michigan.

    Health Equity

    Health inequities are differences in health outcomes or distribution of health-related goods or services between population groups that are caused by systematic, avoidable and unjust advantages given to one group over another. These differences in opportunity, support and access are based upon race discrimination, class oppression, or gender exploitation.
    Follow the link to learn what the Cardiovascular Health Nutrition and Physical Activity Section and other members of the MDHHS Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Control are doing to address health inequities and promote health equity.

Return to Cardiovascular Health, Nutrition & Physical Activity Section home page


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