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Order Brochures and Other Free Educational Materials from MDHHS

white drawing of hand holding cell phone against blue backgroundUse this online order form to request brochures, bookmarks, wallet cards, and other MDHHS Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Unit educational materials for patients and primary care providers.
All materials are provided free of charge to Michigan residents (shipping included).
For more information about available materials, contact Sonia Villarreal at 517-749-7123 (e-mail:

  • MI Healthier Tomorrow

    Part of the Michigan Health and Wellness 4 x 4 Plan, MI Healthier Tomorrow calls for the practice of four key healthy behaviors:

    1. maintain a healthy diet;
    2. engage in regular exercise;
    3. get an annual physical examination; and
    4. avoid tobacco use and exposure.

    MI Healthier Tomorrow logo with person jumping into the airIt also encourages the tracking of four key health measures: body mass index; blood pressure; blood cholesterol level; and blood glucose level.
    Employing the slogan, "Today is the day I choose a healthier future," the campaign asks Michigan adults to pledge to lose 10 percent of their body weight in order to "make significant improvements to both physical and mental health."
    Those who sign the pledge will receive e-mailed tips on healthy living. A Facebook page encourages people to share when they've signed the pledge and what they are doing to live healthier.

    Dietary Guidelines for Americans

    cover of Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020Food and nutrition play a crucial role in health promotion and chronic disease prevention.
    Every five years, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture publish the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the nation's go-to source for nutrition advice.
    The latest edition of the Dietary Guidelines reflects the current body of nutrition science, helps health professionals and policymakers guide Americans to make healthy food and beverage choices, and serves as the science-based foundation for vital nutrition policies and programs across the United States.

    Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

    Physical activity is key to improving the health of the Nation. Based on the latest science, the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans is an essential resource for health professionals and policy makers that provides recommendations on how everyone can improve their health through regular physical activity. Learn ways to help people understand the benefits of physical activity and how to make it a part of their regular routine.

    My Plate graphic showing five food groupsEating healthy is a journey shaped by many factors, including our stage of life, situations, preferences, access to food, culture, traditions, and the personal decisions we make over time. All your food and beverage choices count.
    MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet (fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy) and offers ideas and tips to help you create a healthier eating style that meets your individual needs and improves your health.

    Food and Nutrition Information Center

    Curated by the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library, the Food and Nutrition Information Center website contains more than 2,500 links to current and reliable nutrition information from both government and non-government sources. It delivers credible, accurate and practical resources for nutrition and health professionals, educators, government personnel, and consumers.

    season produce, including carrots, tomatoes, beets, peppersOffered by the United States Department of Agriculture, the website serves as a gateway to reliable resources on food, healthy eating, physical activity, and food safety.
    Find links to information from federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and universities with expertise in food and human nutrition to help you make healthful eating choices.

    The Michigan Breastfeeding Network (MIBFN)

    The MIBFN collaborates with organizations and individuals to bring about actionable, system-level changes that are centered on the diverse experiences of Michigan families with young children. Please visit MIBFN for resources and information to support breastfeeding and Michigan families with young children.

    Health Equity

    Health inequities are differences in health outcomes or distribution of health-related goods or services between population groups that are caused by systematic, avoidable and unjust advantages given to one group over another. These differences in opportunity, support and access are based upon race discrimination, class oppression, or gender exploitation.
    Follow the link to learn what the Cardiovascular Health Nutrition and Physical Activity Section and other members of the MDHHS Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Control are doing to address health inequities and promote health equity.

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